sbclter / sbclter-website-2019

finally, a new website.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

SBC LTER website, 2019

Installation Instructions

Running Instructions

  1. cd bootstrap4-minimal/
  2. Find the google-API key and create a valid config file.
    1. Site Admins have access to the API key
    2. see readme alongside _config_dummy.yml (API KEY MUST NOT BE CHECKED INTO GIT)
  3. jekyll serve --incremental
  4. Open http://localhost:4000 on a browser.
  5. If you get an error "Invalid US-ASCII character "\xE2" on line 6", run export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and try again.

Project Structure

CSS Hierarchy

  1. General CSS: main.css (automatically included in includes/head.html)
  2. Layout CSS: layout.css (automatically included in includes/head.html)
  3. Page-Specific CSS: include them in the page template's FrontMatter section.


    • /assets/css/custom/style1.css
    • /assets/css/custom/style2.css
    • /assets/css/custom/style3.css

Data Package Page


CSS File


These files query Pasta XML data and pick them one by one into building the HTML package page. The Pasta XML data structure is difficult to predict (data may or may not exist, can be at different places, can exist as an object or list of objects...). To ensure we build an error free page, there are 2 phases involved to safely produce each tab:

All JavaScript files are inside assets/js/package/ folder, which includes:

All general helper functions live inside the main file. They are used everywhere in the main and tab files.