sbcshop / PiSquare

PiSquare is an RP2040 and ESP-12E-based board that allows you to use multiple Raspberry Pi HATs without stacking them on top of one other. PiSquare uses Socket programming to wirelessly communicate multiple Raspberry Pi HATs ("n" numbers of HATs).
MIT License
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PiSquare is an RP2040 and ESP-12E-based board that allows you to use multiple Raspberry Pi HATs without stacking them on top of one other. PiSquare uses Socket programming to wirelessly communicate multiple Raspberry Pi HATs ("n" numbers of HATs).

You can utilise PiSquare in a variety of ways, as we were previously limited to utilising a single HAT on the Raspberry Pi or a maximum of three Raspberry Pi HATs using PiStack, but you can't link the same HATs on it twice (Like more than two UART or SPI based Raspberry Pi HAT at the same time) PiSquare allows you to attach as many HATs as you like to your Raspberry Pi without stacking them, whether they're SPI, I2C, or SPI HATs, and you can control them all wirelessly.

PiSquare pins configuration is same as Raspberry pi pins configuration (like UART, I2C and SPI are in same place, so we can raspberry pi HAT'S in PiSquare)

In PiSquare Pin 16 is Not Connected(NC), it Means Those Hat which Uses GPIO23 Pin In Raspberry Pi will not work(only GPIO23 pin not work rest Pin work like SPI,UART and I2C)

PiSquare Pins

PiSquare Pins Function


About PiSquare

Operating Condition

Parts specification

  1. ESP-12E(ESP8266MOD)

    • Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz, support WPA/WPA2
    • Integrated low power 32-bit MCU
    • Operating Current: 80mA
    • 802.11 b/g/n
    • Operating Voltage: 3.0-3.6V
    • Operating temperature range -40C ~ 125C
  2. RP2040 Microcontroller IC

    • Dual ARM Cortex-M0+ @ 133MHz
    • Support for up to 16MB of off-chip Flash memory via dedicated QSPI bus (External flash W25Q16JVSNIQ)
    • 264kB on-chip SRAM in six independent banks
    • On-chip programmable LDO to generate the core voltage
    • 2 on-chip PLLs to generate USB and core clocks
  3. Status Led

    • Status led is connected to GP24 Pin of PiSquare
  4. 0.91 OLED Display

    • Driving IC: SSD1306
    • Operating Voltage: 3.3-5V
    • Resolution Ratio: 128 x 32
    • Text Color: White
    • Background Color: Black
  5. Three push buttons

    • Reset button (Reset pisquare)
    • Boot button (Boot button of RP2040)
    • ESP Reset button (Reset button of ESP-12E module)

ESP8266 AT Commands


we upload the ESP8266_AT_Instruction_set.pdf, kindly go through this pdf

With PiSquare you can do these things :-

Setup PiSquare (we already installed Micropython in PiSquare * )

It Support C/C++, MicroPython and circuitpython

  1. Download Thonny IDE

  2. In PiSquare we can use both MicroPython and CircuitPython, but we use micropython ( use micropython * )

    • Install Micropython in PiSquare first you need to press the boot button of PiSquare, then connect the USB, don,t release the button until you connect the USB to the laptop. then you see a new device named "RPI-RP2".

      After this go to run->select interpreter,choose device,port and install micropython (install firmware)

    • Install CircuitPython in PiSquare Insert the circuit python to the PiSquare(it is circuit python firmware "adafruit-circuitpython-raspberry_pi_pico-en_US-7.1.1.uf2"). for this first you need to press the boot button then connect the USB, don,t release the button until you connect the USB to the laptop. then you see a new device named "RPI-RP2" drag this file "adafruit-circuitpython- raspberry_pi_pico-en_US-7.1.1.uf2" to this device as shown in figure: this is the official website, or you can download from here

      When you properly insert the circuitpython then you see a new device that looks like the below image:-

      After this go to run->select interpreter,choose device and port