sbgisen / moveit

:robot: The MoveIt motion planning framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Display the mesh after padding #7

Open nyxrobotics opened 1 year ago

nyxrobotics commented 1 year ago

Overview I want to be able to display the effect of parameters related to padding in rviz.

default_robot_padding: 1.0
default_robot_scale: 1.0
default_object_padding: 1.0
default_attached_padding: 1.0


jsupratman13 commented 10 months ago

It's a work in progress, and here is something I noticed when visualizing the padding/scale

original scaled/padded (excluding mesh type)
rviz_screenshot_2023_09_06-18_33_43 rviz_screenshot_2023_09_06-18_33_15

I've extracted moveit_core::RobotModel link model information to generate the padding as shown above. However, it seems that it only takes the first collision define by the link and ignores any other collision. Need more investigation on this.

jsupratman13 commented 10 months ago

Memo: This is where the padd/scale parameters are loaded set.

The parameters are stored in the scene_ a planning_scene::PlanningScene instance under cenv_, a collision_detection::CollisionEnvPtr variable. Accessing this will give you the link padd/scale.

Collision check with padd/scale parameter is executed when checkCollision function is called (ros-planning ignores padd/scale self-collision but sbgisen don't)

This will called the checkRobotCollision and checkSelfCollision function defined in moveit_core/collision_detection/include/collision_env.h file. Here, it gets a little tricky since it is a virtual function; this means the function will override whatever class it inherits. In this case, MoveIt has several collision detection method, such as FCL and Bullet. By default, MoveIt uses the FCL.

Visualization part: In general, we want to modify either the or to visualize the robot model on rviz.

jsupratman13 commented 10 months ago

Memo part2: Since MoveIt uses FCL, the updatedPaddingOrScaling function, which is called when the padd/scale parameter are configured, is referred here.

Looking at FCL's createCollisionGeometry function, the individual link's collision are cast as geometric_shapes::Shape with the scaling and padding parameters configured within. Depending on the type of collision shape, the geometric_shapes::Shape updates the scaling and padding parameters accordingly. This is also used in Bullet

Therefore, if we can extract the geometric_shapes::Shape to some structure for Rviz (such as visualization_msgs or Rviz api) we can visualize how the padding/scaling parameters affects the robot model collision.

jsupratman13 commented 2 weeks ago due to trying to sync with the latest branch, it was requested to temporarily revert ( Reopening this issue as a reminder that the padding visual is not enabled at the moment.