sbhs-forkbombers / sbhs-timetable-node

Countdown and timetable all at once. 100% more JS, ∞% less PHP.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

SBHS-Timetable v2.0

This is a rewrite of SBHS Timetable for Node.js.

A live version can be found at, or for those after a non-mainstream alternative, you may see here1

Join ##sbhstimetable on freenode for development news.

1Hipster mode may be identical to normal mode.


You'll need Node.js, npm and Git (obviously).

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install the dependencies: cd sbhs-timetable-node && npm install
  3. Rename config_sample.js to config.js and configure the values appropriately.
  4. Install grunt-cli globally (if it's not already): npm install -g grunt-cli (may need to be superuser).
  5. Unleash the nodeiness: grunt

Note that this does not work if it's not in a git repo, i.e. you downloaded a zip instead of cloning the repo. In that case, you can still run it by executing server.js directly, but this is entirely unsupported.

Running the stable release version.

Do steps 1-4 from above. Then:

  1. Minify and lint everything: grunt release
  2. Run the script: cd build && node server.js

You should probably do this on a tagged release, instead of master