sborenst / ansible_aws_deployer

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= OpenShift Ansible AWS Provisioner This repository contains various Ansible playbooks, templates, and other support files used to provision OpenShift environments onto AWS.

== Prerequisites

There are several prerequisites for using this repository, scripted and detailed instructions for usage are available in the following the link:./Preparing_your_workstation.adoc[Preparing Your Workstation] document. [estimated effort 5-10 minutes]

== Standard Configurations

NOTE: Until we implement using Ansible Vault, each "Config" has two vars files _vars and _secret_vars. The example_secret_vars file shows the format for what to put in your CONFIGNAME_secret_vars file.

== Running the Ansible Playbooks

Once you have installed your prerequisites and have configured all settings and files, simply run Ansible like so:

ansible-playbook -i ansible/main.yml -e "config_name=config-name" -e "aws_region=ap-southeast-2" -e "guid=youruniqueidentifier"

NOTE: Be sure to exchange guid for a sensible prefix of your choosing.

For "opentlc-shared" standard config, check out the link:./configs/standard_configs/opentlc-shared/README.adoc[README] file

== Cleanup

== Troubleshooting

Information will be added here as problems are solved. So far it's pretty vanilla, but quite slow. Expect at least an hour for deployment, if not two or more if you are far from the system(s).

=== EC2 instability It has been seen that, on occasion, EC2 is generally unstable. This manifests in various ways:

There is not much that can be done in this circumstance besides starting over (in a different region).

=== Re-Running While Ansible is idempotent and supports being re-run, there are some known issues with doing so. Specifically: