sbragagnolo / zoa

State of the art managing tool
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State of the art managing tool $ mkdir $HOME/bin/zoa $ cd $HOME/bin/zoa $ wget -O- | bash

$ ./pharo-ui Pharo.image eval "Metacello new baseline: 'Zoa'; repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/zoa/src'; load."


echo "alias zoa=\"$HOME/bin/zoa/pharo $HOME/bin/zoa/Pharo.image clap zoa\"" >> .bashrc #.zshrc


zoa --help bibtex Gets the bibtex of a given doi brief Sets a brief on an article browse (Web)Browses the PDF of all the matching articles. if it is cite Sets a cite on an article fetch Fetch an article (Only works with ACM, IEEE, ArxIv and ResearchGate articles) getpdf Downloads the PDF of all the matching articles. if it is list List available entries read Open the PDF of all the matching articles. if it is tag Adds or remove a tag from a document submit it executes git add .; git commit -m ":neesage" ; git pull; push. Super naive "

zoa fetch --help

Fetch an article (Only works with ACM, IEEE, ArxIv and ResearchGate articles)

Usage: fetch [--help] [--url] [--doi] []


[{URL*} | {DOI*} Options: --help Prints this documentation --url Fetches by Url --doi Fetches by Doi ## zoa list --help List available entries Usage: list [--help] [--t] [--a] [--d] [--tag] [--ct] [--kw] [--b] [--fd=Value] [--ft=Value] [--fct=Value] [--fkw=Value] [--ftag=Value] [--fabs=Value] [--fbr=Value] Named Parameters: --fd Filters by Doi --ft Filters by title --fct Filters by Cite --fkw Filters by Keywords --ftag Filters by Tags --fabs Filters by abstract --fbr Filters by briefs Options: --help Prints this documentation --t Shows title --a Shows abstract --d Shows Doi --tag Shows tags --ct Shows cite --kw Shows keywords --b Shows briefs ... etc.