sbungartz / cooja-docker

Docker container to run the Contiki Cooja simulator
MIT License
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A docker container that has all the dependencies to run the Contiki Cooja simulator with the native Cooja-Motes.


Start GUI

On a Linux host you can start the cooja GUI like this:

sudo docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY --net=host sbungartz/cooja ant run

Using -e DISPLAY to pass on the $DISPLAY environment variable and --net=host to expose the X11 unix socket (and all other sockets of course) will allow the Java app in the container to show the GUI window on your host system.

Now you could for example try to run a Simulation with a cooja host mote.

Work with project files

To work with project files on your host system you should mount it into the container. You can just mount your own home directory to the exact same path in the container, so all paths stay the same:

sudo docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY --net=host -v "$HOME:$HOME" sbungartz/cooja ant run

TODO UID / GID only accidentally match on host and container. Test with setting uid/gid in docker run.

Run headless simulation

Say you want to run the simulation from in your current working directory on your host system (somewhere in $HOME). You can do that using:

sudo docker run -it --rm -v "$HOME:$HOME" sbungartz/cooja ant run -Dargs="-nogui=$PWD/"

Note that you don't need -e DISPLAY or --net=host when running without GUI.

To get some data out of there write a simulation script that writes something to one or more output files. Unfortunately it places these into the working directory of Cooja, which is inside the container. So you could pass an environment variable with the directory where you want to put your output files. Running our docker command from the simulation directory, we might just want to put them into this directory. So we can pass this environment variable using

sudo docker run -it --rm -v "$HOME:$HOME" -e RUNDIR="$PWD"  sbungartz/cooja ant run -Dargs="-nogui=$PWD/"

In our simulation script we can now access this variable with

rundir = System.getenv().get('RUNDIR')

Use a specific Contiki version

The tag sbungartz/cooja:latest points to the master of contiki at the time of building the image. The tag sbungartz/cooja:3.1 uses the release-3-1 branch of contiki.