scafer / traefik-duckdns-letsencrypt

Traefik, DuckDNS, and Let's Encrypt Integration Demo
10 stars 2 forks source link

Traefik, DuckDNS, and Let's Encrypt Integration

This project demonstrates the integration of the following tools to create a secure, dynamic, and scalable reverse proxy solution:



  1. Clone this repository to your server:
git clone
  1. Rename the example.env file to .env and set the environment variables with your values:
cd traefik-duckdns-letsencrypt
mv .env.example .env
  1. Replace your-duckdns-token with your DuckDNS token, your-email with your email address, and your-duckdns-domain with your duckdns domain (ex:

  2. Start the containers with Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d
  1. Access whoami at and make sure everything is working properly.


To add a new service behind Traefik, simply create a new entry in the services section, following the example of the whoami service.


With this setup, you can easily add and manage multiple services behind a single domain, with automatic HTTPS certificates from Let's Encrypt and dynamic DNS updates from DuckDNS.

Feel free to fork and customize this repository to fit your needs!