scaffold-eth / buidlguidl-v3
MIT License
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BuidlGuidl v3

The 🏰 BuidlGuidl is a curated group of Ethereum builders creating products, prototypes, and tutorials with 🏗 scaffold-eth

BuidlGuidl v3 homepage


Node (v16 LTS) plus Yarn.

Every package in this monorepo (backend, hardhat, react-app) comes with a .sample.env file. The one inside packages/backend is the only one required to set up (copy it to packages/backend/.env). All the others work out of the box.

If you want to connect to a local firebase instance:

If you want to connect to your live firebase instance:

Project setup

Install dependencies:

yarn install

(Optional) Start the firebase emulators (vs set up a live Firebase instance)

# You might need to add a real "--project <projectName>" (run firebase projects:list)
firebase emulators:start

Start the backend service:

yarn backend

In a new terminal, start the frontend:

yarn start

At this point, the APP should be available at http://localhost:3000.