scala / scala-jenkins-infra

A Chef cookbook that manages Scala's CI infrastructure.
Apache License 2.0
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Jenkins-based CI for the Scala project

Used for

Old documentation in doc directory; some pieces are still relevant, some are outdated.


The AWS infra was originally deployed and maintanied using ansible (this repo). We no longer use ansible to update the infra, but manage it manually (AWS console, ssh to the machines, jenkins UI, artifactory UI).

We are gradually moving away from using this infra

But we still need it because

Webhooks, tokens, accounts etc

SSH access

Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config ``` Host jenkins-master HostName User admin Host jenkins-worker-behemoth-1 HostName User admin Host jenkins-worker-behemoth-2 HostName User admin Host jenkins-worker-behemoth-3 HostName User admin # no public ip, jumphost through master Host influxdb HostName User ubuntu ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p jenkins-master ```

Installed Services


Nginx for on jenkins-master, /etc/nginx/conf.d/jenkins.conf.

Handles jenkins, /artifactory, /grafana, /benchq, ...


Auth goes via GitHub. In the configuraton there's a field "Admin User Names".

AWS Workers are started / stopped by custom jenkins plugin:

TODO: how to get logs?

Artifactory to log in to the UI.


The config file is /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/etc/system.yaml.

/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/log/console.log has aggregated logs, logs for individual services in the same directory.

/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/data/derby is the main database for our artifactory; its large (19G in Aug 2024).

The access service has its own db at /opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/data/access/derby.


Scabot triggers Jenkins builds and updates their state on github commits / PRs.



Disk usage

Use ncdu -x /path to analyze disk usage.

Artifactory Disk Usage

Artifactory disk usage report:

Steps to delete old builds from scala-pr-validation-snapshots: Create a file `search.json`, adjust the cutoff date on the last line: ``` items.find({ "repo": "scala-pr-validation-snapshots", "$or": [ { "name": { "$match": "scala-compiler*" } }, {"name": { "$match": "scala-reflect*" } }, { "name": { "$match": "scala-library*" } }, { "name": { "$match": "scala-dist*" } }, { "name": { "$match": "scala-partest*" } }, { "name": { "$match": "scalap*" } } ], "created": { "$lt": "2020-01-01" } }) ``` `curl -u 'lukas:SEEEKREET' -X POST "" -T search.json > artifacts.json` In an up-to-date Scala 2.13.x checkout, the following tests which of the artifacts correspond to revisions that were actually merged into scala/scala. Builds for those revisions are kept, builds for revisions that never made it are added to `to-delete.txt`. ```bash n=$(cat artifacts.json | jq -r '.results[] | .path' | uniq | wc -l) for p in $(cat artifacts.json | jq -r '.results[] | .path' | uniq); do n=$((n-1)) sha=$(echo $p | awk -F'-' '{print $(NF-1)}') if git branch --contains $sha | grep 2.13.x > /dev/null; then echo "$sha y - $n" else echo "$sha n - $n" echo $p >> to-delete.txt fi done ``` Delete the artifacts; best run it on `ssh jenkins-master` for performance. ```bash n=$(cat to-delete.txt | wc -l) for p in $(cat to-delete.txt); do n=$((n-1)) echo "$p - $n" curl -u 'lukas:PASSWORDSEKRET' -X DELETE "$p" done ``` After that - Empty "Trash Can" - `curl -I -u 'lukas:SEEEKREET' -X POST ""` - Run artifactory's "Garbage Collection" [20 times (😆)]( - `for i in {1..20}; do curl -I -u 'lukas:SEEEKREET' -X POST ""; done` - wait for it to complete, it runs in the background. check Binaries Size / Artifacts Size in Storage - Run "Prune Unreferenced Data" - `api/system/storage/optimize` - Other measures - "Empty Trash Can" - Derby database (`/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/data/derby/seg0`) may be big. - "Compress the Internal Database". - Did not work for me. "lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock". - Doc says "We recommend running this when Artifactory activity is low, since compression may not be able to complete when storage is busy (in which case the storage will not be affected)."

Resize Drives / File Systems

Enlarging drives and their partitions seems to work well, even for the root partition of a running system (Debian).

Recreate Drive

To recreate a drive / file system (to shrink it, or to move to a different file system), create a new EBS volume, mount it and copy the data over using rsync.

Unattended Upgrades

Enabled on master and behemoths

JVM installations

Only a basic jre is installed through apt (eg openjdk-17-jre-headless).

Use sudo su and cd to /usr/lib/jvm, see the README file. Install new JDKs here, we default to adoptium.


On all machines (chronyc tracking to check):

root@ip-172-31-10-237:~# cat /etc/chrony/sources.d/aws.sources
server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4