scalableinternetservicesarchive / Luber

Luber : :oncoming_automobile: A ridesharing App :oncoming_taxi:
14 stars 11 forks source link
aws luber lyft ridesharing ruby-on-rails tsung uber

Luber: :oncoming_automobile: A ride-sharing App :oncoming_taxi: Build Status

Table of Contents


Project Report (PDF)

Project Presentation (PDF)

Sharing economy is efficient, environment-friendly and accessible to all. Uber and Airbnb have swept out the traditional rental business in every aspect. It's much faster and more convenient to ask for a ride by Uber or Lyft, however, sometimes a ride is not sufficient for all travelling demand, in case of family trip, long journey or private event. Therefore, We'd like to work on a Uber-like car-sharing app for CS291A project.

The app is basically a booking system, in which the car owners can post the availability of their car in terms of time, location, model, mileage, photo and price. On the flipping side, the car users can search in the same manner and app will find the best match for both side. At the reserved time and location, the user will pick up the car from the owner and return it, perhaps at another location. All transactions are made online and a rating and review system in app is for users and owners to build up their reputation across board.

This app will have a web version at first, and then derives to a mobile version afterwards.

Piazza Post

Getting Started

  1. Make sure Ruby, Rails, and any other tools (such as RVM) are installed and ready to go (click here for geenral installation instructions and here for RVM)

  2. Clone the repo

    git clone
    cd Luber
  3. Setup the project and test that the server starts succesfully

    # Install gem dependencies
    bundle install --without production

If you're on linux you may need to do the following to increase your number of watchers

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

Migrate and reset the databse

rails db:migrate rails db:reset rails s

By default the server should start on http://localhost:3000/

If you run into issues with the db, try deleting /db/development.sqlite3, test.sqlite3, schema.rb, and running the commands again

## Contributing

In order to contribute, complete the `Setup` section, then follow the general flow outlined below

1. Make sure the master branch builds and you can navigate around the site. Familiarize yourself with the codebase

2. Once you have a specific feature/issue you want to work on, create a new branch for that feature

3. Use test-driven development where applicable to create your new feature/resolve the given issue, and once thoroughly tested, submit a pull request on [GitHub](

4. Once your code is peer-reviewd and any Travis CI issues are resolved, merge the branch into master
# Make sure master is up-to-date
git pull origin master

# Make your new branch
git checkout -b my-feature-branch

# Do work son
git add -D

# Make sure tests pass and perform any needed fixes/updates
rails t

# Commit and push work
git commit -m "made this cool thing"
git push origin my-feature-branch

# Merge (or rebase if you're into that) with master
git merge master

# Resolve conflicts and re-commit changes
git add -D
git commit -m "merged with master"
git push origin my-feature-branch

# Open a pull request on the GitHub page and assign someone to review it

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Make an account on Heroku

  2. From your local Luber directory, verify that the application is seeding/testing/running correctly

    rails db:migrate
    rails db:reset
    rails t
    rails s
  3. Install Heroku, login, and add a SSH key (installing will differ depending on your OS)

    # Install then verify a version appears
    heroku version

Login and either add a SSH key or make a new one (may need to specify path when adding)

heroku login ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Heroku ssh key for our Luber" heroku keys:add

4. From your local Luber directory, create a heroku app and deploy it to heroku
heroku create
git push heroku master
# If you are pushing a branch other than master to heroku master, use:
# git push heroku other-branch:master
  1. Migrate/seed the database and precompile assets
    # NOTE: To run commands (or specifically run bash and access the terminal) on your remote heroku machine use:
    heroku run # insert command here
    heroku run bash

Seed the database

heroku run rails db:migrate heroku run rails db:seed

Precompile assets so images/css/js is served correctly

heroku run bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Open up the app (it may take a few minutes for the app-server/db to get ready after deploying)

heroku open

6. In case you need to wipe out the existing database (if say you want to re-seed it differently):
# Locally
heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL

# Remotely on Heroku, give it a minute to finish the previous command
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  1. SSH into AWS EC2
  2. From EC2, start Elastic Beanstalk
  3. Monitor EB from the AWS console in web browser
  4. Seed the DB
  5. Verify app works

SSH into AWS EC2

  1. Download our secret key luber.pem from Piazza (if don't have luber.pem already)

    • (Search Piazza for aws credentials luber )
  2. ssh into our EC2 instance

    ssh -i luber.pem
  3. on EC2, make your own dir to launch EB from:

    mkdir Justin
    cd Justin
  4. clone our repo (if not done already)

    git clone
    cd Luber

From EC2, start Elastic Beanstalk

Monitor EB from the AWS console in web browser

  1. Log in:

    • AWS console
    • Account ID or alias: bboe-ucsb
    • IAM user name: luber
    • password: contained in the file
  2. Under Menu > Services > Elastic Beanstalk > All Applications, see your EB deployment name, eg, luber-justin. Click it to get to its dashboard.

  3. When it's finished deploying, see the tiny URL near the top. Visit it in a web browser to verify it works.

Seed the DB

  1. SSH into the app server and go to the rails installation:
    EC2$ eb ssh -e 'ssh -i ~/luber.pem'
    APP-SERVER$ cd /var/app/current
  2. On the app server's rails installation, delete contents of db and re-seed:

    APP-SERVER$ date ; echo 'ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 1 ; Tagging.delete_all ; Rental.delete_all ; Tag.delete_all ; Car.delete_all ;  User.delete_all ; ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 0' | rails c ; date
    APP-SERVER$ rails db:seed
    • Note: delete_all doesn't obey foreign-key constraints, so is faster than destroy_all.
    • Note: This didn't work:

Verify app works

Load testing with Tsung

(Note: Please use the justin-tsung branch for load-testing)

  1. Quickstart
  2. Run Tsung against your app
    1. Use CloudFormation to create a Tsung machine and SSH into it
    2. Copy XML files to Tsung
    3. Run Tsung
    4. Download Tsung data
  3. Rapid reset for another Tsung test


(if you know what you're doing)

  1. Log in to EC2

    ssh -i luber.pem
  2. cd to Luber in your personal directory

  3. Start our app on Elastic Beanstalk:

    EC2$ git pull
    EC2$ eb deploy # if it's still running, or 'eb create ...' if not.
  4. Seed the db:

    EC2$ eb ssh -e 'ssh -i ~/luber.pem'
    • Now you're in the production machine (the App Server). Delete all the db's data (note: order you delete the models is imporant to avoid foreign key errors):
      APP-SERVER$ cd /var/app/current
      APP-SERVER$ date ; echo 'ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 1 ; Tagging.delete_all ; Rental.delete_all ; Tag.delete_all ; Car.delete_all ; User.delete_all ; ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 0' | rails c ; date
      APP-SERVER$ rails db:seed
  5. In AWS CloudFormation, make a new stack for Tsung

  6. In Options, use ssh command to ssh into Tsung machine

  7. Copy XML to Tsung:

    rsync -auvLe 'ssh -i luber.pem' *.xml ec2-user@
  8. Run Tsung:

    tsung -f simple.xml -k start
  9. Save XML from Tsung:

    rsync -auvLe 'ssh -i demo.pem' ec2-user@ .

Run Tsung against your app

Use CloudFormation to create a Tsung machine and SSH into it

  1. Visit AWS CloudFormation

    • Account ID or Alias: bboe-ucsb
    • IAM user name: luber
    • Password: see
  2. Use for the "S3 template URL":

  3. Pick a Stack Name of the form luber-justin.

  4. App instance type: m3.medium

  5. Team name (pulldown): luber

  6. "Next", "Next", "Create"

    • You should now be at the CloudFormation "Stacks" page.
  7. If your Stack Name doesn't appear in the table, refresh after a couple secs.

  8. Should see "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" under Status. Wait until created.

  9. Check your Stack Name, then under "Outputs" tab:

    1. Note the Tsung IP address.
    2. Use the SSH cmd to log in to the EC2 Tsung machine (from a fresh terminal, don't need to do it from EC2).
    3. Open the Tsung IP addr in browser tab to see the Tsung Dashboard.
  10. In the ssh session, see simple.xml, our tsung test.

    • This machine will be destroyed after 45 inactive minutes, so if you edit simple.xml be sure to rsync it to your local machine.
  11. In the Tsung file simple.xml change the line

    server host="" 

    to the AWS EB URL where your app is running. (See the AWS Console > Elastic Beanstalk > your deployed app.)


        <server host="" port="80" type="tcp"></server>

Copy XML files to Tsung

my-laptop$ cd your-tsung-xmls/
my-laptop$ rsync -auvLe 'ssh -i luber.pem' *.xml ec2-user@

Note: When ssh'd into the Tsung machine, ifconfig lists some weird IP addr, this is NOT the IP to use. Use the IP from the browser's Tsung dashboard, found in CloudFormation.

Run Tsung

  1. Start Tsung

    tsung -f simple.xml -k start
  2. (Tsung runs.)

  3. See the Tsung dashboard. Neato.

Download Tsung data

  1. When Tsung is finished, rsync over the logs & data to your local machine:

    rsync -auvLe 'ssh -i demo.pem' ec2-user@ .
  2. Don't put tsung data into our repo, you'll probably want to experiment with Tsung. Maybe put each log into a folder with a README of which commit hash code you ran in EB, and which Tsung file you used, and how you changed the site (vertical / horiz scaling etc) to accommodate the load.

Rapid reset for another Tsung test

  1. Make new Tsung XML file
  2. Change DB machine & # instances
    • AWS elastic beanstalk > all applications > luber > luber-michael > sidebar > configuration
    • Can change instance type / number of instances on the fly, don't have to restart EB (no eb create etc)
    • Note: Bryce said no load balancer. Fix # instnaces to max of what you'll need.
  3. Change seed file (more users, cars, rentals, etc)
    • Lives on app server, /var/app/current/db/seeds.rb.
    • Re-seed the db, see: Seed the DB
  4. Change code (like try Rails caching, see class notes)



Team Members

Sujaya Maiyya (@sujaya)

Sujaya Maiyya Photo

Sammy Guo (@masoug)

Sammy Guo Photo

Kyle Carson (@carsonkk)

Kyle Carson Photo

Justin Pearson (@justinpearson)

Justin Pearson Photo

Michael Zhang & Michael's little helper (@Heronalps)

Michael Zhang Photo