schlafly / crowdsource

Crowded field photometry pipeline
MIT License
20 stars 10 forks source link


A crowded field photometry pipeline

PyPi Conda Platforms


The recommended installation uses conda-forge as

conda install -c conda-forge crowdsourcephoto

Due to some current version issues with the tensorflow feedstock, a conda-forge version of crowdsourcephoto is not available on windows. Windows users should fall back to pip (below).

This package can also be installed using pip as

pip install crowdsourcephoto

Development Installations

Development installations now require at least a local pip install in a development environment and survey processing scripts must be run within that environment to properly load modules and dependencies. Simply activate your test environment, cd to your development directory, and run:

pip install -e .

Using conda to install the stable crowdsourcephoto package and then removing it in favor of the local pip package is probably the best way to manage dependency versioning issues.

Developer Notes




My sense has been that the biggest problem is that we have to do small scale sky corrections to deal with the wings of very bright stars, very bright stars off the focal plane, dust-associated diffuse light, etc. Looking only in small regions, it's hard to imagine that a more sophisticated fit will actually be a good idea. In practice, I guess we need to assess how bad our sky subtraction is actually doing by comparison of the photometry with much deeper data.