A range slider plugin for Chart.JS, that enables you to select a specific data scales.
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/schme16/xfyvvup8/195/
bower install chart.js-rangeslider --save
npm install chart.js-rangeslider --save
or straight from the source:
git clone https://github.com/schme16/Chart.js-RangeSlider.git
new RangeSliderChart({
chartData: chartJSDatasets, //The same data you give to Chart.js
chartOpts: chartJSOptions, //Your Chart.js options
chartType: 'Line', //Which Chart.js chart you want (eg. Lie, Bar, Pie, etc.)
chartCTX: ctx, //your canvas context
class: 'my-chart-ranger', //Specifies a custom class you want applied to your sliders
initial: [3, 10] //Which data points to start the sliders on