schmidti159 / songskipper

Skip Songs on Spotify
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Skip songs on Spotify

Use Case

When playing random songs from artists, albums, playlists, etc. once in a while an unexpected live version or specific song interrupts the flow.

This application polls the currently playing song and skips it, if it matches a rule. Rules can be based on album, artist and/or song titles.


I am working on it. If you want to test the demo please send me a mail with the email address you use for Spotify, so I can add you as a test user.

It only works with premium accounts.


Why does it exist


Repo structure


  1. Register the application at to get a client id and secret
  2. Copy the file songskipper-backend/src/main/resources/application-secrets.yml.template, remove the .template extension and enter your client id and secret
  3. Build it: ./gradlew build
  4. Run it: java -jar songskipper-backend/build/libs/songskipper-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Open it in the browser: http://localhost:8080/

Development server for frontend

  1. Launch the backend (with java -jar ... or with ./gradlew bootRun).
  2. Launch the frontend as dev-server: /gradlew nodeStart or npm start from songskipper-frontend
  3. Open it in the browser: http://localhost:3000/

This version notices file changes and reloads the frontend when needed.

You might need to sign in by accessing the backend version directly.


Not yet decided. Please send me a message if you want to use it.

This is private project and is not related to Spotify.