schmouk / ArcheryVideoTraining

Multi camera video training for Archery, with real-time as well as delayed and slow-motion captures.
MIT License
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AVT is a multi cameras video training application for Archery, with real-time as well as delayed or slow-motion captures and diplays.


This project aims at providing a simple and intuitive application to capture frames with small cameras (e.g. webcams) and under different angles, and to display them at capture time, or with a delay, or in slow-motion (simulated or not).
The archer should then see herself shooting arrows as long as the display is put in its sight of view, or she should be able to see herself shooting after a small delay of her choice by looking at a display that is available near from her.


We've chosen to implement this application in Python 3.8 using external libraries (OpenCV for instance) and Anaconda 3 environment for ease and speed. The application should then run under Windows 32- and 64-bits, Linux 32- and 64- bits and macOS X as long as Anaconda 3 and OpenCV library will have been installed on your machine.
To avoid such installs and for the simplest use of AVT, we aim at providing also a fully executable program which will first be provided as an independent release for Windows PCs.

Work is in progress

By 2021-01-25, this repository has been created with the sole license and readme files.
A development branch dev has been created. All devs will be done under this branch and its maybe sub-branches. Merges will only be done on the dev branch. Final merges on branch main will constitute successive releases.
If you want to keep an eye on the implementation progress, please refer to branch dev.