schochastics / timeless

A general purpose date(time) parser for R
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datetime rstats rstats-package


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A fast general purpose date/time converter written in Rust with crates dateparser and chrono.


You can install the development version of timeless like so:


the package is also available on CRAN



timeless understands many different date(time) formats out of the box. A subset is included as a small benchmark dataset.

#>  [1] "1511648546"                          "1620021848429"                      
#>  [3] "1620024872717915000"                 "2021-05-01T01:17:02.604456Z"        
#>  [5] "2017-11-25T22:34:50Z"                "Wed, 02 Jun 2021 06:31:39 GMT"      
#>  [7] "2019-11-29 08:08-08"                 "2019-11-29 08:08:05-08"             
#>  [9] "2021-05-02 23:31:36.0741-07"         "2021-05-02 23:31:39.12689-07"       
#> [11] "2019-11-29 08:15:47.624504-08"       "2017-07-19 03:21:51+00:00"          
#> [13] "2014-04-26 05:24:37 PM"              "2021-04-30 21:14"                   
#> [15] "2021-04-30 21:14:10"                 "2021-04-30 21:14:10.052282"         
#> [17] "2014-04-26 17:24:37.123"             "2014-04-26 17:24:37.3186369"        
#> [19] "2012-08-03 18:31:59.257000000"       "2017-11-25 13:31:15 PST"            
#> [21] "2017-11-25 13:31 PST"                "2014-12-16 06:20:00 UTC"            
#> [23] "2014-12-16 06:20:00 GMT"             "2014-04-26 13:13:43 +0800"          
#> [25] "2014-04-26 13:13:44 +09:00"          "2012-08-03 18:31:59.257000000 +0000"
#> [27] "2015-09-30 18:48:56.35272715 UTC"    "2021-02-21"                         
#> [29] "2021-02-21 PST"                      "2021-02-21 UTC"                     
#> [31] "2020-07-20+08:00"                    "01:06:06"                           
#> [33] "4:00pm"                              "6:00 AM"                            
#> [35] "01:06:06 PST"                        "4:00pm PST"                         
#> [37] "6:00 AM PST"                         "6:00pm UTC"                         
#> [39] "May 6 at 9:24 PM"                    "May 27 02:45:27"                    
#> [41] "May 8, 2009 5:57:51 PM"              "September 17, 2012 10:09am"         
#> [43] "September 17, 2012, 10:10:09"        "May 02, 2021 15:51:31 UTC"          
#> [45] "May 02, 2021 15:51 UTC"              "May 26, 2021, 12:49 AM PDT"         
#> [47] "September 17, 2012 at 10:09am PST"   "2021-Feb-21"                        
#> [49] "May 25, 2021"                        "oct 7, 1970"                        
#> [51] "oct 7, 70"                           "oct. 7, 1970"                       
#> [53] "oct. 7, 70"                          "October 7, 1970"                    
#> [55] "12 Feb 2006, 19:17"                  "12 Feb 2006 19:17"                  
#> [57] "14 May 2019 19:11:40.164"            "7 oct 70"                           
#> [59] "7 oct 1970"                          "03 February 2013"                   
#> [61] "1 July 2013"                         "4/8/2014 22:05"                     
#> [63] "04/08/2014 22:05"                    "4/8/14 22:05"                       
#> [65] "04/2/2014 03:00:51"                  "8/8/1965 12:00:00 AM"               
#> [67] "8/8/1965 01:00:01 PM"                "8/8/1965 01:00 PM"                  
#> [69] "8/8/1965 1:00 PM"                    "8/8/1965 12:00 AM"                  
#> [71] "4/02/2014 03:00:51"                  "03/19/2012 10:11:59"                
#> [73] "03/19/2012 10:11:59.3186369"         "3/31/2014"                          
#> [75] "03/31/2014"                          "08/21/71"                           
#> [77] "8/1/71"                              "2014/4/8 22:05"                     
#> [79] "2014/04/08 22:05"                    "2014/04/2 03:00:51"                 
#> [81] "2014/4/02 03:00:51"                  "2012/03/19 10:11:59"                
#> [83] "2012/03/19 10:11:59.3186369"         "2014/3/31"                          
#> [85] "2014/03/31"                          "3.31.2014"                          
#> [87] "03.31.2014"                          "08.21.71"                           
#> [89] "2014.03.30"                          "2014.03"                            
#> [91] "171113 14:14:20"                     "2014年04月08日11时25分18秒"         
#> [93] "2014年04月08日"

chronos() is the powerhouse of the package and tries as hard as possible to parse every input into either a date or a datetime, depending on out_format. The function can also return a raw character vector which can be fed into faster converters, such as fasttime.

chronos(bench_date, out_format = "datetime")
#>  [1] "2017-11-25 22:22:26 CET"  "2021-05-03 06:04:08 CEST"
#>  [3] "2021-05-03 06:54:32 CEST" "2021-05-01 01:17:02 CEST"
#>  [5] "2017-11-25 22:34:50 CET"  "2021-06-02 06:31:39 CEST"
#>  [7] "2019-11-29 16:08:00 CET"  "2019-11-29 08:08:05 CET" 
#>  [9] "2021-05-02 23:31:36 CEST" "2021-05-02 23:31:39 CEST"
#> [11] "2019-11-29 08:15:47 CET"  "2017-07-19 03:21:51 CEST"
#> [13] "2014-04-26 15:24:37 CEST" "2021-04-30 19:14:00 CEST"
#> [15] "2021-04-30 21:14:10 CEST" "2021-04-30 21:14:10 CEST"
#> [17] "2014-04-26 17:24:37 CEST" "2014-04-26 17:24:37 CEST"
#> [19] "2012-08-03 18:31:59 CEST" "2017-11-25 21:31:15 CET" 
#> [21] "2017-11-25 21:31:00 CET"  "2014-12-16 06:20:00 CET" 
#> [23] "2014-12-16 06:20:00 CET"  "2014-04-26 05:13:43 CEST"
#> [25] "2014-04-26 04:13:44 CEST" "2012-08-03 18:31:59 CEST"
#> [27] "2015-09-30 18:48:56 CEST" "2021-02-21 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [29] "2021-02-22 07:10:06 CET"  "2021-02-21 07:10:06 CET" 
#> [31] "2020-07-20 07:10:06 CEST" "2024-08-31 23:06:06 CEST"
#> [33] "2024-09-01 14:00:00 CEST" "2024-09-01 04:00:00 CEST"
#> [35] "2024-08-31 09:06:06 CEST" "2024-09-01 00:00:00 CEST"
#> [37] "2024-08-31 14:00:00 CEST" "2024-09-01 18:00:00 CEST"
#> [39] "2024-05-06 19:24:00 CEST" "2024-05-27 00:45:27 CEST"
#> [41] "2009-05-08 15:57:51 CEST" "2012-09-17 08:09:00 CEST"
#> [43] "2012-09-17 08:10:09 CEST" "2021-05-02 15:51:31 CEST"
#> [45] "2021-05-02 15:51:00 CEST" "2021-05-26 07:49:00 CEST"
#> [47] "2012-09-17 18:09:00 CEST" "2021-02-21 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [49] "2021-05-25 07:10:06 CEST" "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [51] "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET"  "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [53] "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET"  "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [55] "2006-02-12 18:17:00 CET"  "2006-02-12 18:17:00 CET" 
#> [57] "2019-05-14 17:11:40 CEST" "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [59] "1970-10-07 08:10:06 CET"  "2013-02-03 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [61] "2013-07-01 07:10:06 CEST" "2014-04-08 20:05:00 CEST"
#> [63] "2014-04-08 20:05:00 CEST" "2014-04-08 20:05:00 CEST"
#> [65] "2014-02-04 03:00:51 CET"  "1965-08-07 23:00:00 CET" 
#> [67] "1965-08-08 12:00:01 CET"  "1965-08-08 13:00:00 CET" 
#> [69] "1965-08-08 13:00:00 CET"  "1965-08-08 00:00:00 CET" 
#> [71] "2014-02-04 03:00:51 CET"  "2012-03-19 10:11:59 CET" 
#> [73] "2012-03-19 09:11:59 CET"  "2014-03-31 07:10:06 CEST"
#> [75] "2014-03-31 07:10:06 CEST" "1971-08-21 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [77] "1971-08-01 08:10:06 CET"  "2014-04-08 20:05:00 CEST"
#> [79] "2014-04-08 20:05:00 CEST" "2014-04-02 03:00:51 CEST"
#> [81] "2014-04-02 03:00:51 CEST" "2012-03-19 10:11:59 CET" 
#> [83] "2012-03-19 09:11:59 CET"  "2014-03-31 07:10:06 CEST"
#> [85] "2014-03-31 07:10:06 CEST" "2014-03-31 07:10:06 CEST"
#> [87] "2014-03-31 07:10:06 CEST" "1971-08-21 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [89] "2014-03-30 07:10:06 CEST" "2014-03-01 08:10:06 CET" 
#> [91] "2017-11-13 13:14:20 CET"  "2014-04-08 09:25:18 CEST"
#> [93] "2014-04-08 07:10:06 CEST"


Under the hood chronos() calls three functions which can also be used in isolation:

other packages

anytime is the most accepted general purpose date(time) converter.

It does not recognize all accepted formats of timeless out of the box. (Note that the unrecognized formats can be added via anytime::addFormats())

sum_na <- function(x) sum(
)) / length(bench_date)
#> [1] 0.215054

The list of formats supported out-of-the-box can be retrieved with anytime::getFormats(). timeless implements these formats natively too.

Concerning runtime, timeless seems to be quite a bit faster than anytime.

#> Unit: microseconds
#>                          expr       min        lq    mean  median       uq
#>           chronos(bench_date)   904.542   998.899  1124.3  1092.1  1194.86
#>  anytime::anytime(bench_date) 30476.336 33626.440 34864.2 34598.4 36266.49
#>       max neval
#>   1941.77   100
#>  47343.03   100

See this benchmark for more details.

While it might seem that timeless has an edge over anytime, it is far less battle tested and mature. Date parsing can be very tricky. I am grateful for everyone who can take the package for a spin and report issues.