A meal planning and grocery list app
By Na Hyung Choi
Latest Update: May 30, 2020 - Show a confirmation when the user clicks the delete icon
Initial release: October 10, 2019
MunchPrep allows you to plan out a week's worth of meals and make a grocery shopping list in one convenient app.
- Users sign in with Google.
- Menu tab includes spots for 3 meals for each day of the week, plus a spot for your snacks.
- Shopping list is categorized by grocery store sections to make your shopping more efficient.
- An "X" button on each tab clears out your menu items or shopping list for a brand new blank page.
- A "Clean Up" button on the shopping list tab clears away the shopping items that have been checked off.
Currently, only default settings are available:
- Each week begins with Sunday.
- The grocery store sections are Produce, Proteins, Other Foods, and Non-Foods.
Design Documents
Mock-ups, a React component diagram, and other design documents are included in Design Docs. Check them out!
Future Features
- A more intuitive UI for adding new Menu items
- Individual editing and deleting of shopping list items
- A Settings page where each user can customize the starting day of the week for the Menu and the grocery store sections for the shopping list
- Color themes
- A native iOS app!
Known Bugs
- Inline editing stops working if user saves a blank meal by erasing a field completely and hitting enter or clicking outside of the text input box. Temporary workaround: refresh the page.
Technologies Used
- JavaScript
- React / Redux
- React Inline Edit Kit
- Firebase (Cloud Firestore, Authentication, Hosting)
- Jest
- Bootstrap
- webpack
- npm
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/schoinh/munchprep-web.git
- Install dependencies:
$ npm install
- Run development server:
$ npm start
- Navigate in your browser (Chrome recommended) to http://localhost:8080
Deploy Changes
- Merge to
- Add the following line to
(s first item in module.exports
mode: "production",
- Build distribution files and deploy to Firebase:
$ npm run build
$ firebase deploy
Support and Contact Details
Please email Na Hyung with questions and comments. Pull requests are welcome!
Copyright (c) 2020 Na Hyung Choi