schrum2 / EvoCraft-SCOPE

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# EvoCraft-SCOPE This project focuses on using Compositional Pattern Producing Networks (a form of neural network) and [**NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies**]( (a form of evolutionary computation) to create different structures in Minecraft. Shapes can be evolved interactively, with a fitness function, or using [**Novelty Search**]( This repository was made in the summer of 2022 as a part of [**SCOPE**](, an undergraduate research summer program at [**Southwestern University**](, under the supervision of [**Dr. Schrum**](

1. Set-up

NOTE: This code only works with Python 3.7 and 3.8! 1. Install Java 8 (a.k.a. 1.8). You can check what version you currently have with `java -version` - Unix: `sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre` - OSX: - brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk - brew cask install adoptopenjdk8 - If you have trouble installing, look at [**How to install Java JDK on macOS**]( - Windows: [**Java for Windows 8**]( 2. Clone repo: - `git clone` 3. Run the batch file `SetUpServer.bat` (Windows only). By doing this, it will: - pip install the requirements.txt file - Create a copy of the `EvoCraft-py-Backup` directory under the name `EvoCraft-py` (different command needed on Mac/Linux/Unix) 4. Run the batch file `LaunchServer.bat` in the root project directory (launches the `spongevanilla-1.12.2-7.3.0.jar` file in `EvoCraft-py`) - Will setup some extra files associated with the server, but the server cannot run properly until the next step is completed. 5. Change the `eula=true` in the `eula.txt` file located in the `EvoCraft-py` copy You can now connect to the server by launching minecraft! To connect to the server from within the game: 1. Make sure the batch file `LaunchServer.bat` is running and the `eula` is set to `true`. 2. Open up the minecraft launcher, and play the java edition 1.12.2 3. Select the gamemode Multiplayer. 4. Select Direct Connect, and in the server address box, type 'localhost'. 5. Join Server!

localhost login

3. Recommendations

If you run python --help, then you will be able to see all of the available command line parameters that can be changed when running

help in cmd

There are also different batch files that you can run. These batch files are in the directory batch and execute the script in combination with some commonly used command line parameter sets.

You can run a batch file by:

  1. Opening a command prompt in one of the three sudirectories (Fitness-Functions, Interactive-Evolution, and Novelty-Search) in the directory called batch.
  2. Type in the apporpriate name of the batch file you want to run (or press tab to look for a batch file that interests you).
  3. Include a space followed by any digit within the range of 0-100. This value will be the random seed for the world and is required for the batch files to run.

Here's an example of what it would look like for a fitness function:

.\FitnessFillSpaceSnakes.bat 0

Currently, you can select from three types of batch files:

This repository utilizes/builds upon/expands on the following repositories
