schwinn / khtool

Tool to query or change settings of Neumann KH DSP speakers
MIT License
15 stars 2 forks source link


This is a simple tool for querying or changing the settings of Neumann KH DSP loudspeakers via the Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol.

Libraries Required

Please install my fork of the pyssc library.

pip3 install


You must specify the name of the network interface to which the speakers are connected.

python3 ./ -i [interface name]


Query speakers

python3 ./ -i en1 -q
*** Device: Right ***
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fexx:xxxx
{"device":{"identity":{"vendor":"Georg Neumann GmbH"}}}
{"device":{"identity":{"product":"KH 80"}}}

*** Device: Left ***
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fexx:xxxx
{"device":{"identity":{"vendor":"Georg Neumann GmbH"}}}
{"device":{"identity":{"product":"KH 80"}}}

Set logo brightness

python3 ./ -i en1 --brightness 50
*** Device: Right ***

*** Device: Left ***

Mute speakers

python3 ./ -i en1 --mute
Used Device:  Right
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fexx:xxxx

Unmute speakers

python3 ./ -i en1 --unmute
Used Device:  Right
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fexx:xxxx

Save settings (not supported on KH 750 DSP)

python3 ./ -i en1 --save         
*** Device: Right ***

*** Device: Left ***

Using the expert option - Querying the input level

python3 ./ -i en1 -t 1 --expert '{"m":{"audio":null}}'
Used Device:  Right
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fexx:xxxx

Using the expert option - Setting the auto standby time to 30 minutes

python3 ./ -i en1 --expert '{"device":{"standby":{"auto_standby_time":30}}}'
Used Device:  Left Subwoofer
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fe60:97d2

Used Device:  Right
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fe60:b288

Used Device:  Left
IPv6 address: fe80::2a36:38ff:fe60:b411

python3 ./ -i en1 --save

Backup settings to JSON file

./ -i en1 --backup backup-230101.json --comment "MA1 Adjustment with Lowshelf 75hz, -0.7db, q1.0"

Restore settings

./ -i en1 --restore backup-230101.json

Print help

python3 ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--scan] [-q] [--backup BACKUP] [--restore RESTORE] [--comment COMMENT] [--save] [--brightness BRIGHTNESS] [--delay DELAY] [--dimm DIMM] [--level LEVEL] [--mute]
                 [--unmute] [--expert EXPERT] -i INTERFACE [-t {all,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [-v]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --scan                scan for devices and ignore the khtool.json file
  -q, --query           query loudspeaker(s)
  --backup BACKUP       generate json backup of loudspeaker(s) and save it to [filename]
  --restore RESTORE     restore configuration from [filename]
  --comment COMMENT     comment for backup file
  --save                performs a save_settings command to the devices (only for KH 80/KH 150/KH 120 II)
  --brightness BRIGHTNESS
                        set logo brightness [0-100] (only for KH 80/KH 150/KH 120 II)
  --delay DELAY         set delay in 1/48khz samples [0-3360]
  --dimm DIMM           set dimm in dB [-120-0]
  --level LEVEL         set level in dB [0-120]
  --mute                mute speaker(s)
  --unmute              unmute speaker(s)
  --expert EXPERT       send a custom command
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        network interface to use (e.g. en0)
  -t {all,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, --target {all,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
                        use all speakers or only the selected one
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit


On Windows, the interface index is used instead of the name. In the following example, 14 is used as the name instead of Ethernet0.

C:\>netsh interface ipv6 show interface

Idx     Met         MTU          State                Name
---  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------------------------
  1          75  4294967295  connected     Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
 14          25        1500  connected     Ethernet0

Double quotes in parameters must be escaped under Windows.

python -i 14 --expert {\"m\":{\"audio\":null}} -t 0

Communication with the speakers is exclusively via IPv6. Therefore, it must be activated in the operating system.

Use at your own risk.