sci-bots / base-node-rpc

Base classes for Arduino RPC node/device
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Base classes for Arduino RPC node/device.


The Python package can be installed through pip using the following command:

pip install base-node-rpc

Default base node firmware

Upload firmware

To upload the pre-compiled firmware included in the Python package, run the following command:

python -m base_node_rpc.bin.upload <board type>

replacing <board type> with either uno or mega2560, depending on the model of the board.

This will attempt to upload the firmware by automatically discovering the serial port. On systems with multiple serial ports, use the -p command line argument to specify the serial port to use. For example:

python -m base_node_rpc.bin.upload -p COM3 uno


After uploading the firmware to the board, the base_node_rpc.Proxy class can be used to interact with the Arduino device.

See the session log below for example usage.

Example interactive session

>>> from serial import Serial
>>> from base_node_rpc import Proxy

Connect to serial device.

>>> serial_device = Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200)

Initialize a device proxy using existing serial connection.

>>> proxy = Proxy(serial_device)

Query the number of bytes free in device RAM.

>>> proxy.ram_free()

Query descriptive properties of device.

base_node_software_version                                           0.10.post9
name                                                              base_node_rpc
manufacturer                                                        Wheeler Lab
software_version                                                     0.10.post9
dtype: object

Use Arduino API methods interactively.

>>> # Set pin 13 as output
>>> proxy.pin_mode(13, 1)
>>> # Turn led on
>>> proxy.digital_write(13, 1)
>>> # Turn led off
>>> proxy.digital_write(13, 0)

Note that most of the Arduino API is available as methods of the proxy:

>>> proxy.
proxy.analog_read                 proxy.i2c_request_from
proxy.analog_write                proxy.i2c_scan
proxy.array_length                proxy.i2c_write
proxy.base_node_software_version  proxy.manufacturer
proxy.begin                       proxy.max_i2c_payload_size
proxy.buffer_size                 proxy.max_serial_payload_size
proxy.delay_ms                    proxy.microseconds
proxy.delay_us                    proxy.milliseconds
proxy.digital_write               proxy.pin_mode
proxy.get_buffer                  proxy.ram_free                        proxy.read_eeprom_block
proxy.i2c_address                 proxy.set_i2c_address
proxy.i2c_available               proxy.software_version
proxy.i2c_buffer_size             proxy.str_echo
proxy.i2c_read                    proxy.update_eeprom_block
proxy.i2c_read_byte               proxy.url

Extending base firmware

While the (precompiled) base firmware is likely flexible enough for many applications, one of the key goals of this project is to allow for easy extension and customization.

The following section describes the main BaseNode class and the various mixin classes to provide modular inclusion of various Arduino libraries (e.g., EEPROM, SPI, I2C) as RPC methods.

C++ Base classes

The following classes may be used to form a basis for an Arduino RPC firmware that may be interacted with through either a serial port or through I2C (the same code path is used for buffers regardless of the source interface).


The BaseNode class provides methods to identify key properties of a device and exposes most of the Arduino API. The BaseNode class is intended as a base class, to be extended by combining with the remaining Base* classes.


The BaseNodeConfig class provides methods to interact with a persistent device configuration. The main methods are:

Note that the BaseNodeConfig class is a template class, with two template parameters:

NB : Currently, the configuration class is assumed to be a Protocol Buffer message type class, with Arduino code generated using the nanopb library. The nanopb library is also used for encoding/decoding the messages. The nanopb-helpers package provides a mechanism for validating updates to a nanopb instance (see "Config validation").

Config validation

TODO Add description of callback methods.


The BaseNodeEeprom class is a mixin to add methods for interfacing with Arduino EEPROM.

The following methods are provided:


The BaseNodeI2c class is a mixin to add methods for interfacing with Arduino I2C bus

The following methods are provided:


The BaseNodeSpi class is a mixin to add methods for interfacing with the Arduino SPI API.

The following methods are provided:

See the Arduino SPI API reference for details.


The BaseNodeState class provides methods to interact with an in-memory device state structure. The main methods are:

Note that the BaseNodeState class is a template class, with the following template parameter:

NB : Currently, the state class is assumed to be a Protocol Buffer message type class, with Arduino code generated using the nanopb library. The nanopb library is also used for encoding/decoding the messages. The nanopb-helpers package provides a mechanism for validating updates to a nanopb instance (see "State validation").

State validation

TODO Add description of callback methods.


The BaseNodeI2cHandler class is a mixin to add methods for handling RPC requests from the I2C interface. The main methods are:


The BaseNodeSerialHandler class is a mixin to add methods for handling RPC requests from the serial interface. The main methods are: