scientist-softserv / oral-history

UCLA LIBRARY-CENTER FOR ORAL HISTORY RESEARCH --Documenting the histories of Los Angeles-- The UCLA Library creates a vibrant nexus of ideas, collections, expertise, and spaces in which users illuminate solutions for local and global challenges. We constantly evolve to advance UCLA’s research, education, and public service mission by empowering and
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Docker Development Setup

  1. Install Docker (macOS/Windows/Linux)

  2. .env is populated with good defaults.

  3. Install Dory:

  4. Configure dory: Add the following to the config-file

    - domain: test
  5. Run dory:

    dory up
  6. Build project and start up

    docker compose build
    docker compose up
  7. Visit http://oralhistory.test in your browser.

  8. Load database and import data

    docker compose exec web bundle exec rake db:migrate
    docker compose exec web bundle exec rake db:seed
    docker compose exec web bundle exec rake import[100]
  9. Sign into the Admin Dashboard Navigate to https://oralhistory.test/users/sign_in Login with default the seeded user and password at db/seeds.rb Note you can add those ENV variable to your .env file to update the values in one place. But deafults are set so make sure you update for produciton environment.

  10. Common Developer Recipes: Drop into a bash console inside docker container: docker compose exec container-name bash. Example: docker compose exec web bash Drop into a sh console inside docker container: docker compose exec container-name sh. Example: docker compose exec web sh Drop into a rails console: docker compose exec bundle exec rails c

Note: The 100 in import[100] limits the number of assets initially loaded. You may adjust this as desired.

Development Notes

When performing an import the system will attempt to download and process the audio files to create the peak files. This is very CPU & time intense. To avoid this change MAKE_WAVES in your .env to false (or delete it).

Automated Build and Deploy


Any push to GitHub of a branch with "test" will build, tag with :test, publish to Docker Hub and push to testing.

Any push to GitHub of a branch other than master, main, or test will build, tag with :staging, publish to Docker Hub and push to staging.


Any push to GitHub of the master or main branch will build, tag with :lastest, and publish to Docker Hub. It is up to Apps team or DevSupport to push to production.

Manually Deploy a new release

Docker tags

There are three common tags in use for Oral History:


To build and apply the Docker tags:

docker build \
  -t uclalibrary/oral-history:staging \
  -t uclalibrary/oral-history:latest \
  -t uclalibrary/oral-history:"$(date +%Y.%m.%d)" \

Pushing to Dockerhub

Docker can only push one tag at a time. It is recommended to push all three tags.

for tag in staging latest "$(date +%Y.%m.%d)"; do
  docker push uclalibrary/oral-history:"$tag";

Deployment is handled by Jenkins.

Manual deployment to test

In Jenkins, select docker_swarm_deploy job. Use Build with Parameters. Select oralhistory_test from the TERRA_ENV dropdown. Start the build.

Production Notes:

Regarding docker-compose.production.yml: The delayed_job container is for scaling out processing of peaks for all of the audio files. However, the web container always has one worker. Stopping the delayed_job container will not stop jobs from being run.