scikit-hep / vegascope

View Vega/Vega-Lite plots in your web browser from local or remote Python processes.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
35 stars 4 forks source link

.. image:: :alt: VegaScope :target:


VegaScope is a minimal viewer of Vega <> and Vega-Lite <> graphics from Python. The Python process generating the graphics does not need to be on the same machine as the web browser viewing them.

VegaScope has zero dependencies and can be installed as a single file. It can be used as a Python library or as a shell command, watching a file or stdin.

To install, simply

.. code-block:: bash

pip install vegascope

(with --user if not superuser) or copy the single <>__ file to the desired location.


Suppose that we have a process that generates Vega graphics, such as PdVega <>__ (example requires pip packages pdvega and vega_datasets):

.. code-block:: python

>>> from vega_datasets import data
>>> import pdvega
>>> stocks = data.stocks(pivoted=True)
>>> stocks.vgplot.line().spec

.. code-block::

{'selection': {'grid': {'bind': 'scales', 'type': 'interval'}}, 'encoding': {'y': {'fi
eld': 'value', 'type': 'quantitative'}, 'x': {'field': 'date', 'type': 'temporal'}, 'c
olor': {'field': 'variable', 'type': 'nominal'}}, 'height': 300, 'width': 450, '$schem
a': '', 'mark': 'line', 'data': {'value
s': [{'date': '2000-01-01', 'variable': 'AAPL', 'value': 25.94}, {'date': '2000-01-02'

This stocks.vgplot.line().spec is a JSON object representing a timeseries of stock prices. It is too complicated to read manually.

Import vegascope and create a LocalCanvas. It opens a tab in your web browser (hint: look for it on other desktops or create a browser window in the current desktop first!) for drawing Vega graphics.

Every time the canvas is called as a function on a Vega graphic, the web page will be updated with the latest plot. There is no need to refresh your browser.

.. code-block:: python

>>> import vegascope
>>> canvas = vegascope.LocalCanvas()
Created new window in existing browser session. connected

Point web browser at: http://localhost:40142

>>> canvas(stocks.vgplot.line().spec)


.. image::


PdVega was only used as an example; the graphic could have come from anywhere. It could be a URL string:

.. code-block:: python

>>> canvas("")

Or a JSON string:

.. code-block:: python

>>> graphic = """{
...   "$schema": "",
...   "description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
...   "data": {
...     "values": [
...       {"a": "A","b": 28}, {"a": "B","b": 55}, {"a": "C","b": 43},
...       {"a": "D","b": 91}, {"a": "E","b": 81}, {"a": "F","b": 53},
...       {"a": "G","b": 19}, {"a": "H","b": 87}, {"a": "I","b": 52}
...     ]
...   },
...   "mark": "bar",
...   "encoding": {
...     "x": {"field": "a", "type": "ordinal"},
...     "y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
...   }
... }"""
>>> canvas(graphic)

Or a JSON object as nested Python dicts. It supports the Vega 3 and Vega-Lite 2 specifications.

Interactive features

In addition to any interactivity the Vega graphic may have on its own, VegaScope has five interactive features:

Saving images from a script

You may want to save images programmatically (in a loop, for instance), so the VegaScope canvas has methods for invoking this from the server:

.. code-block:: python

>>> canvas.png(graphic, title="filename")   # saves filename.png
>>> canvas.svg(graphic, title="filename")   # saves filename.svg

However, your web browser will probably interpret this as a pop-up. You usually don't want web servers to remotely write files to your disk! In most web browsers, an indicator appears in the location bar the first time you try to write a file programmatically; select it and allow pop-ups for this server.

Hint: your web browser will remember the setting if you always use the same port number:

.. code-block:: python

>>> canvas = vegascope.LocalCanvas(port=12345)

Remote viewing

All of the examples above used vegascope.LocalCanvas. To make the web server visible to the world, create a vegascope.Canvas.

.. code-block:: python

>>> canvas = vegascope.Canvas()
Point web browser at:

where is the real IP address of the machine running VegaScope. Everything proceeds as before except that the web browser is no longer restricted to the same machine as the server.

However, the connection may be blocked at any step between the server and the client. Most system administrators block all ports except a list of justified exceptions; you may need to ask for a port to be opened and explicitly pass that port.

.. code-block:: python

>>> canvas = vegascope.Canvas(port=12345)
Point web browser at:

Even beyond port blocking, some administrators may block the HTTP protocol, since web servers can be used for less benign activities than plotting. They may cite a security risk in projecting your data to anyone with the address (though you can monitor who's watching with canvas.connections). It depends on the sensitivity of your data.

If an unrestricted web server is not an option for you, but ssh is (after all, how are you connecting to the machine's terminal?), consider vegascope.TunnelCanvas.

.. code-block:: python

>>> canvas = vegascope.TunnelCanvas()
Type into terminal:   ssh -L 43213:localhost:43213 username@
Point web browser at: http://localhost:43213

The TunnelCanvas is only available locally, but you can extend the meaning of "local" through an ssh tunnel. Assuming that you're already connected to the remote machine through one ssh terminal, open another terminal and paste the new ssh command into it. As long as that second terminal is open, your local web browser will see http://localhost:43213 as the remote one.

Whereas vegascope.Canvas is world-readable, vegascope.TunnelCanvas is as safe as ssh. Choose the option that best fits your security constraints.

Vega version

VegaScope instructs your web browser to use a recent Vega <>, Vega-Lite <>, and Vega-Embed <>__ version from If you'd like a different version, you can specify vega="3.3.1", vegalite="2.5.2", vegaembed="3.15.0" in any Canvas constructor.

Passing None or an empty string uses a standalone version embedded within the file. This is useful if your computer (specifically, the one your web browser is running on) is disconnected from the internet.

As a shell command

If it's more convenient to use VegaScope as a separate process, it can run as a shell command, watching a file for changes or stdin. All of the options are available as command line switches:

.. code-block::

usage: [-h] [-w WAIT] [-t {Canvas,LocalCanvas,TunnelCanvas}]
                    [-T TITLE] [-b HOST] [-p PORT] [-q] [-Q] [--vega VERSION]
                    [--vega-lite VERSION] [--vega-embed VERSION]

VegaScope can be used within Python (import vegascope) or a shell command.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  file to watch for changes; default is '-' for lines on
                        stdin (stdin requires one JSON object per line)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WAIT, --wait WAIT  poll wait time in seconds; default is 0.1 (100 ms);
                        not applicable to stdin
  -t {Canvas,LocalCanvas,TunnelCanvas}, --type {Canvas,LocalCanvas,TunnelCanvas}
                        type of Canvas; default is LocalCanvas
  -T TITLE, --title TITLE
                        browser window title and saved file name prefix
  -b HOST, --host HOST  host name to bind to; default is for any
                        address (not applicable to LocalCanvas or
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port to bind to; default is 0 for any open port
  -q, --no-verbose      if supplied, do not log output to stdout (opposite of
  -Q, --no-newtab       if supplied, do not open a browser window (opposite of
                        newtab, only applicable to LocalCanvas)
  --vega VERSION        Vega version to request from or "" to
                        use an standalone copy.
  --vega-lite VERSION   Vega-Lite version to request from or
                        "" to use an standalone copy.
  --vega-embed VERSION  Vega-Embed version to request from or
                        "" to use an standalone copy.

In file-watching mode, the canvas will update when the file is overwritten. In stdin-watching mode, the canvas will update when a one-line JSON document is passed to stdin.