scilus / nf-scil

SCIL Nextflow Toolbox
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sublime's custom image

Sublime's custom image

[![Nextflow](]( [![Imports: nf-core](]( [![run with docker](]( [![run with singularity](]( ![Checks]( > [!WARNING] > A `nf-scil` legacy dependency in `git-lfs`, which is affected by recent `git` [security updates](, may pose problems. > Cloning the repository may generate an error, even if the procedure was successful. To disable the behavior, until the problem is > patched, prepend your `git clone` command with `GIT_CLONE_PROTECTION_ACTIVE=false` or add it to your environment. Welcome to the `nf-scil` project ! A **Nextflow** modules and workflows repository for neuroimaging maintained by the [SCIL team]( The primary focus of the library is to provide pre-built processes and processing sequences for **diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging**, optimized for _Nextflow DSL2_, based on open-source technologies and made easily available to pipeline's developers through the `nf-core` framework. - [Using modules from nf-scil](#using-modules-from-nf-scil) - [Developing in nf-scil](#developing-in-nf-scil) - [Manual configuration](#manual-configuration) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Python environment](#python-environment) - [Loading the project's environment](#loading-the-projects-environment) - [Working with VS Code](#working-with-vs-code) - [Configuration via the devcontainer](#configuration-via-the-devcontainer-) - [Contributing to the nf-scil project](#contributing-to-the-nf-scil-project) - [Adding a new module to nf-scil](docs/ - [Generate the template](docs/ - [Edit the template](docs/ - [Editing the module's](docs/ - [Editing the module's meta.yml](docs/ - [Editing the tests'](docs/ - [Editing the tests' nextflow.config](docs/ - [Run the tests to generate the test metadata file](docs/ - [Lint your code](docs/ - [Last safety test](docs/ - [Submit your PR](docs/ - [Defining processes optional parameters](docs/ - [Test data infrastructure](docs/ - [Using the .test_data directory](docs/ - [Using Scilpy Fetcher](docs/ - [Adding a new subworkflow to nf-scil](docs/ - [Generate the template](docs/ - [Generate the template](docs/ - [Edit the subworkflow's](docs/ - [Define your Subworkflow inputs.](docs/ - [Fill the `main:` section.](docs/ - [define your Workflow outputs.](docs/ - [Edit the subworkflow's meta.yml](docs/ - [Lint your code](docs/ - [Submit your PR](docs/ - [Running tests](#running-tests) - [Configuring Docker for easy usage](#configuring-docker-for-easy-usage) - [Installing Prettier](#installing-prettier) # Using modules from `nf-scil` To import modules from `nf-scil`, you first need to install [nf-core]( on your system (can be done simply using `pip install nf-core`). Once done, `nf-scil` modules are imported using this command : ```bash nf-core modules \ --git-remote \ install / ``` where you input the `` you want to import from the desired ``. To get a list of the available modules, run : ```bash nf-core modules \ --git-remote \ list remote ``` The same can be done for subworkflows, replacing `modules` in the `nf-core` command by `subworkflows, e.g. : ```bash nf-core subworkflows \ --git-remote \ install / ``` It can become heavy to always prepend the commands with `--git-remote`, even so if you need to specify a `--branch` where to fetch the information. You can instead define the `git-remote` and `branch` using _Environment Variables_ : ```bash export NFCORE_MODULES_GIT_REMOTE= export NFCORE_MODULES_GIT_BRANCH=main export NFCORE_SUBWORKFLOWS_GIT_REMOTE= export NFCORE_SUBWORKFLOWS_GIT_BRANCH=main ``` and call all commands without specifying the `--git-remote` and `--branch` options, while still targeting the `nf-scil` repository. # Developing in `nf-scil` The `nf-scil` project requires some specific tools to be installed on your system so that the development environment runs correctly. You can [install them manually](#manual-configuration), but if you desire to streamline the process and start coding faster, we highly recommend using the [VS Code development container](#configuration-via-the-devcontainer) to get fully configured in a matter of minutes. ## Manual configuration ### Dependencies - Python ≥ 3.8, < 3.13 - Docker ≥ 24 (we recommend using [Docker Desktop]( - Java Runtime ≥ 11, ≤ 17 - On Ubuntu, install `openjdk-jre-` packages - Nextflow ≥ 21.04.3 - nf-test ≥ 0.9.0-rc1 - Node ≥ 14 and Prettier (see [below](#installing-prettier)) > [!IMPORTANT] > Nextflow might not detect the right `Java virtual machine` by default, more so if > multiple versions of the runtime are installed. If so, you need to set the environment > variable `JAVA_HOME` to target the right one. > > - Linux : look in `/usr/lib/jvm` for > a folder named `java--openjdk-` and use it as `JAVA_HOME`. > - MacOS : if the `Java jvm` is the preferential one, use `JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)`. > Else, look into `/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines` for the folder with the correct > runtime version (named `jdk_1.jdk`) and use the > following : `/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/dk_1.jdk/Contents/Home`. ### Python environment The project uses _poetry_ to manage python dependencies. To install it using pipx, run the following commands : ```bash pip install pipx pipx ensurepath pipx install poetry ``` > [!NOTE] > If the second command above fails, `pipx` cannot be found in the path. Prepend the > second command with `$(which python) -m` and rerun the whole block. > [!WARNING] > Poetry doesn't like when other python environments are activated around it. Make > sure to deactivate any before calling `poetry` commands. Once done, install the project with : ```bash poetry install ``` ### Loading the project's environment > [!IMPORTANT] > Make sure no python environment is activated before running commands ! The project scripts and dependencies can be accessed using : ```bash poetry shell ``` which will activate the project's python environment in the current shell. > [!NOTE] > You will know the poetry environment is activated by looking at your shell. The > input line should be prefixed by : `(nf-scil-tools-py)`, with `` > being the actual Python version used in the environment. To exit the environment, simply enter the `exit` command in the shell. > [!IMPORTANT] > Do not use traditional deactivation (calling `deactivate`), since it does not relinquish > the environment gracefully, making it so you won't be able to reactivate it without > exiting the shell. ### Global environment Set the following environment variables in your `.bashrc` (or whatever is the equivalent for your shell) : ```bash export NFCORE_MODULES_GIT_REMOTE= export NFCORE_MODULES_GIT_BRANCH=main export NFCORE_SUBWORKFLOWS_GIT_REMOTE= export NFCORE_SUBWORKFLOWS_GIT_BRANCH=main ``` This will make it so the `nf-core` commands target the right repository by default. Else, you'll need to add `--git-remote` and `--branch` options to pretty much all commands relating to `modules` and `subworkflows`. ### Working with VS Code The `nf-scil` project curates a bundle of useful extensions for Visual Studio Code, the `nf-scil-extensions` package. You can find it easily on the [extension marketplace]( ## Configuration via the `devcontainer` : The `devcontainer` definition for the project contains all required dependencies and setup steps are automatically executed. To use this installation method, you need to have **Docker** (refer to [this section](#configuring-docker-for-easy-usage) for configuration requirements or validate your configuration) and **Visual Studio Code** installed on your system. Open the cloned repository in _VS Code_ and click on the arrow box in the lower left corner, to get a prompt to `Reopen in container`. The procedure will start a docker build, wait for a few minutes and enjoy your fully configured development environment. - Available in the container : - `nf-scil`, `nf-core` all accessible through the terminal, which is configured to load the `poetry` environment in shells automatically - `nf-scil` configured as the main repository for all `nf-core` commands, using `NFCORE_*` environment variables - `git`, `git-lfs`, `github-cli` - `curl`, `wget`, `apt-get` - `nextflow`, `nf-test`, `docker`, `tmux` - Available in the VS Code IDE through extensions : - Docker images and containers management - Python and C++ linting, building and debugging tools - Github Pull Requests management - Github flavored markdown previewing ## Contributing to the `nf-scil` project If you want to propose a new `module` to the repository, follow the guidelines in the [module creation](./docs/ documentation. The same goes for `subworkflows`, using [these guidelines](./docs/ instead. We follow standards closely aligned with `nf-core`, with some exceptions on process atomicity and how test data is handled. Modules that don't abide to them won't be accepted and PR containing them will be closed automatically. ## Running tests Tests are run through `nf-core`, using the command : ```bash nf-core modules test ``` The tool can be omitted to run tests for all modules in a category. ## Configuring Docker for easy usage The simplest way of installing everything Docker is to use [Docker Desktop]( You can also go the [engine way]( and install Docker manually. Once installed, you need to configure some access rights to the Docker daemon. The easiest way to do this is to add your user to the `docker` group. This can be done with the following command : ```bash sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ``` After running this command, you need to log out and log back in to apply the changes. ## Installing Prettier To install **Prettier** for the project, you need to have `node` and `npm` installed on your system to at least version 14. On Ubuntu, you can do it using snap : ```bash sudo snap install node --classic ``` However, if you cannot install snap, or have another OS, refer to the [official documentation]( for the installation procedure. Under the current configuration for the _Development Container_, for this project, we use the following procedure, considering `${NODE_MAJOR}` is at least 14 for Prettier : ```bash curl -fsSL${NODE_MAJOR}.x | bash - &&\ apt-get install -y nodejs npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier echo "function prettier() { npm exec prettier $@; }" >> ~/.bashrc ```