scooper4711 / obsidian-syrinscape

This module is designed for people using Obsidian as their TTRPG management tool to integrate Syrinscape with Obsidian. Syrinscape is a powerful tool for creating and playing custom soundtracks, sound effects, and ambient sounds for tabletop role-playing games.
MIT License
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Module Summary

This module is designed for people using Obsidian as their TTRPG management tool to integrate Syrinscape with Obsidian. Syrinscape is a powerful tool for creating and playing custom soundtracks, sound effects, and ambient sounds for tabletop role-playing games.

Embed controls to start and stop moods and elements on your pages that describe locations, spells or events.

Please note that this plugin requires that you have a Syrinscape account (but not a subscription) and be running either the Syrinscape Online Player or the Web Player to actually hear sounds. Sounds are not played through Obsidian.

How to Use

  1. Install the Syrinscape module for Obsidian using the Community Plugin Manager in Obsidian.

  2. Once installed, open the settings and copy your Auth token from Paste that into the setting for Auth Token.

  3. Use the following markdown syntax to embed a Syrinscape soundscape - both the play and stop button will be displayed:

    `syrinscape:mood:soundId:optional mouseover text`
    `syrinscape:music:soundId:optional mouseover text`
    `syrinscape:sfx:soundId:optional mouseover text`
  4. Use the following markdown syntax to embed a Syrinscape oneshot - only the play button will be displayed, since oneshots will automatically stop.

    `syrinscape:oneshot:soundId:optional mouseover text`

    :attention: Note that to preserve compatability, you can also use "element" to not display the stop button, but oneshot is the preferred syntax.

  5. The plugin has downloaded a list of all the sounds you have access to, and so the auto-complete feature will make entering the codes easy for you. Autocompletion

  6. Save your note and switch to View Mode to have a play and stop button which will start/stop the selected sound.


Put a link to the mood for every scene at the top of the page for the scene, and never forget to start the Syrinscape mood for that room again!

Note that Moods get a play and a stop button.

Scene mood

The plugin works very well inside of Fantasy Statblocks

Note that Oneshots only get a play button.

Fantasy Statblocks integration

And it also works when with Initiative Tracker so you have easy access for spell or melee oneshots during combat.

Edit the spell descriptions to include a link to the corresponding one-shot and now anytime a creature has access to that spell, you have easy access to the sound effect during battle!

Initiative Tracker integration


With Obsidian and Syrinscape, you now have complete control over your soundboard. Make a note, e.g. that contains any syrinscape sounds you want. Use any formatting and grouping you want. Once you have that in place, you can drag the note up to the Ribbon - the same location as e.g. the default Files, Search, and Bookmarks. Once there, you have one-click access to your soundboard.



This plugin will only download your remote links once a day. If you are e.g. creating your own soundsets and want the plugin to get a fresh set of links, you can open the settings and press the button labeled "Clear Remote Links".
