scoopex / puppet-kitchen_template

This is a template project for using kitchen for puppet development
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
13 stars 9 forks source link


NOTE: Replace this text with your own description.

This project utilizes Test Kitchen to test puppetcode. You can use this template to write new puppet modules or to enhance existing modules.

Review the upstream documentation to find out how to use it in your own project

It provides the following aspects:

Why do i need that?


Basic Installtion of the Tooling

Play with the environment

Review the upstream documentation to find out how to use it in your own project

Cheat Sheet

Command                              Description
kitchen list                         View all test suites
kitchen create                       Create the target system (Vagrant)
kitchen create <suite>
kitchen converge <suite>             Execute puppet (Puppet)
kitchen login <suite>                SSH Login
kitchen verify <suite>               Execute test suites (servespec)
kitchen test <suite>                 Create, test and destroy system
kitchen destroy                      Destroy all test systems
kitchen destroy <suite>              Destroy a certain test system

kitchen verify -l debug              Get enhanced debug information

librarian-puppet install --verbose   Debug librarian problems
librarian-puppet show --detailed     Show librarian dependencies

vagrant box list                     Show all vargrant boxes
vagrant box remove <box>             Remove a vagrant box to fetch 
                                     a new release on next 
                                     "kitchen create"

Instance selection/handling: