scor / dgb

Drupal Git Backup (dgb) script for backing up Drupal sites with Git and Drush
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Drupal Git Backup (DGB)

DGB is a Drush command to easily maintain a full backup a Drupal code base and all its sites, keeping Drupal files and sites databases together in sync in the same repository. It supports multi site setups and will dump each site database as a version control friendly SQL file. This command leverages git as a powerful (decentralized) version control system to store all websites' data efficiently. This Drush command is still at an experimental state so use with caution. Please give any feedback or file bugs at

DGB requires Drush and works for any version of Drupal 5, 6 and 7.


Install dgb like any other Drush command. See Drush readme.txt file. The typical directory structure dgb was designed for is the following:

-- dgb_instance --> drupal --> index.php --> sites --> --> --> databases --> --> --> .git (dgb git repository)

  1. create the dgb_instance folder somewhere on your server (the name does not matter). Make sure it's outside the web public directory.

  2. place your drupal code base in the dbg_instance directory, e.g. in a drupal directory.

  3. create the 'databases' folder (that is the default dump director that dgb expect, you can change that in drushrc.php, see below).

  4. initialize the git repository in the dgb_instance folder by running git init. You might want to create a .gitignore file to ignore certains files, for example .svn if you version your files with svn.

  5. from the DRUPAL_ROOT directory, type drush dgb-backup to see if dgb was installed successfully. This will do the initial backup of your dgb_instance, this initial backup might take a while depending on the number of sites you have and their size.

  6. setup a cron job to run the backup every day or so, e.g. to run dgb every day at 11am: 00 11 * cd /var/sites/dgb_instance/drupal; /usr/local/bin/drush dgb-backup (adapt /usr/local/bin/drush to wherever your drush is located on your server)

  7. The following steps are optional. They allow to customize the names of the directories you want to use etc. copy example-dgb.drushrc.php in each site settings directory (.e.g sites/default/), rename it to drushrc.php and check its content. Its default settings should works for most configurations.


dgb ships with several commands:


Stéphane "scor" Corlosquet


This drush command uses a similar approach to the one used in dbscripts except it is fully integrated in drush as opposed to using custom bash scripts.