scorelab / com-dictionary

Community Dictionary
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 62 forks source link

Table of Content

  1. com-dict-client
  2. Deployed on
  3. Community
  4. User Guide
    1. How to Setup
    2. How to Use
  5. Set-up-Firebase
    1. How to Deploy Firebase Cloud Functions
  6. Firebase Emulator Flow
  7. Install, Configure and Integrate Firebase Emulator Suite
    1. How to install
    2. How to Configure
  8. Integrate With your CI System.
    1. To Start the Emulators:-
    2. Import and Export:-


CommunityDict is a software tool developed by the SCoRE Lab that facilitates community-driven vocabulary development. It allows users to collaborate and contribute to the creation of shared dictionaries, which can be used to support natural language processing tasks such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and information retrieval.

With CommunityDict, users can easily add new terms, definitions, and translations to the dictionary, as well as vote and comment on existing entries. The tool also provides a range of features to help users manage and organize the dictionary, including search functionality, automatic term extraction, and customizable filters.

Overall, CommunityDict is a powerful and flexible tool that enables communities to develop and maintain their own specialized vocabularies, improving the accuracy and effectiveness of natural language processing applications in a variety of domains.

Deployed on


Join and communicate with other members on our community. We communicate on gitter


User Guide

How to Setup

Clone the repository.

For cloning this repo: Run git clone

Run the above command in the folder in which you want to make a clone.

How to Use

Run npm install in com-dict-client folder.

 cd com-dict-client/
 npm install

NOTE: If npm install is not executing successfully, then use node v14 and npm install --legacy-peer-deps and try again.

First you need to create a .env file in com-dict-client folder following the template provided in the file .env.sample.


  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Add Project and necessary information about the project.(Below mentioned the Steps to add project to firebase)
    • To add Firebase resources to an existing Google Cloud project, enter its project name or select it from the dropdown menu.
    • To create a new project, enter the desired project name. You can also optionally edit the project ID displayed below the project name
    • Firebase generates a unique ID for your Firebase project based upon the name you give it. If you want to edit this project ID, you must do it now as it cannot be altered after Firebase provisions resources for your project. Visit Understand Firebase Projects to learn about how Firebase uses the project ID.
  3. Agree to the terms and click Create Project.
  4. After creating the project, click Add Firebase to your web app.
    • In the center of the Firebase console's project overview page, click the Web icon to launch the setup workflow.
    • If you've already added an app to your Firebase project, click Add app to display the platform options.
    • Enter your app's nickname.
    • This nickname is an internal, convenience identifier and is only visible to you in the Firebase console.
    • Click Register app.
  5. Copy the firebase configuration.
  6. Paste the configuration .env file.
  7. You can find your in the Realtime Database section of the Firebase console. Depending on the location of the database, the database URL will be in one of the following forms:
  8. You can get your from Cloud-Messaging tab
    • navigate to the setting of your project Open the Cloud Messaging tab.
    • scroll to the Web configuration section.
    • In the Web Push certificates tab, click Generate Key Pair. The console displays a notice that the key pair was generated. You get your Vapid key form there.

You should fill in these values in their relevent fields in the .env file.

To run the project:
$ npm start

If you failed to run the project do the following steps :

NOTE: Before starting the server create a file named .env same as .env.sample and add your Firebase Configurations in the file.

Visit localhost:3000 to browse.

How to Deploy Firebase Cloud Functions

NOTE:To Deploy firebase cloud functions you have to satisfy following requirements

  1. Your Firebase project should have Blaze plan or higher version

    steps to upgrade to blaze plan

    1. Log in to the Firebase Console. In the lower left, you will see that your project is listed on the Spark plan. Click the upgrade button.
    2. Select the Blaze plan
    3. Select a billing account. Then click Continue and Purchase. And there you go on the Blaze plan.
  2. You should have installed Firebase CLI tool in your machine To install Firebase CLI machine you can use the command npm install -g firebase-tools

Run npm install in com-dict-client/functions folder.

 cd com-dict-client/functions
 npm install

Then you have to generate a private key file for your service account.To get the key file go to this link and follow the instructions

Once you have obtained the key, create a folder named as 'private' in the directory 'com-dict-client/functions'. Then copy and paste the key file in private folder. Rename the key file as 'cl-dev-pk.json'

After that change the database url to your project database url in 'com-dict-client/functions/auth.js'

Move to the root directory and open a command prompt and type following commands

 npm run-script build
 firebase login
 firebase projects:list

Find the project ID from the project list that you want to deploy the cloud functions

firebase use <project_id>
firebase deploy

To run storybook : npm run storybook It will redirect to 6006 port. Find detailed information here

To run cypress tests: npx cypress run It will open a prompt displaying all the tests. You can find detailed information here

Firebase Emulator Flow

flowchart TB
     sougatarmail("Email Pass Login \n \n \n\n Pass : 123456 ")
    com-dict-clientusermail("Google Login \n \n com-dict-client User")
    shivanandamail("Email Pass Login \n \n \n\n Pass : com-dict-client ")
    mahendarmail("Google Login \n \n Mahendar Goud")
    sarfarazmail("Google Login \n \n sarfaraz")




Install, Configure and Integrate Firebase Emulator Suite

How to install

Before installing the Emulator Suite you will need:-

To install the Emulator Suite:

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase --version
firebase init
firebase init emulators

How to Configure

Configure Emulator Suite:-

Note:-(Recommended)If you don't configure these settings, the emulators will listen on their default ports, and the Cloud Firestore, Realtime Database and Cloud Storage emulators will run with open data security.

Port Configuration - These are the Default Ports Provided you can change them while initializing(if needed)

Emulator Ports
Authentication 9099
Emulator Suite UI 9099
Cloud Functions 9099
Realtime Database 9099
Cloud Firestore 8080
Cloud Storage 8080
Firebase Hosting 5000
Pub/Sub 8085

Integrate With your CI System.

To Start the Emulators:-

firebase emulators:start


npm run emulator

Import and Export:-