scottcwilson / zencart_fedexrest

Zen Cart shipping module for FedEx, using the new RESTful API.
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FedExREST plugin

A Zen Cart shipping module for FedEx. This module returns FedEx rates for shipping from your location to your customer.

Contributions supporting the development of this software are most appreciated. Donate here.


Developer Resources

This module uses FedEx's RESTful API.

As such, it replaces the older FedEx Web Services plugin, which was based on the (now deprecated) XML API.


If your goal is to match the FedEx Online Rating Tool, please note: the online tool quotes "counter rates," which are not available either from the REST API or the older Web Services API.

You can get close to their rates for most services (Ground is a notable exception) with these settings:

If your goal is to match the older FedEx Web Services plugin, use these settings:

Note that you must test with items that are not free shipping and do not use the Numinix "ready to ship" flag. Those features are not supported by this plugin. Be sure the FedEx Account Number, ship from address, etc. for the old and new shipping modules have the same values to get an apples-to-apples comparison.

Appearance in Storefront

FedEx quotes in the Storefront