scotthavard92 / Zendesk-Help-Center-Export-Scripts

Python script that exports Zendesk Guide data to a .csv file.
MIT License
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Exporting articles body in Zendesk #1

Open kitaiyork opened 4 years ago

kitaiyork commented 4 years ago

Hi Scott, I find your work helpful, thanks for your time spent on the topic. I have some task on my head, as I have to export some articles from Zendesk in CSV I was able to follow your Python code and extract the articles in HTML, but what I need to extract the article body in the CSV as well. do you have some ideas? It is not so that I did not try on my own ... but it did not work.

dbolton commented 2 years ago

Here's what I used to pull full body (plus URL, title, section name, and category name all in one CSV file). 8 lines from the bottom is what pulls in the body text.

This code is for python 3 (and will not work well with python 2 if you have Unicode text).

import requests
import csv

# Set the request parameters
# Change the base URL according to what information is desired. 
base_url = ''

# Use Your Zendesk Support Sign-On Credentials
user = 'ZD Username'
pwd = 'ZD Password'

# Path of the outputted csv file
csv_file = 'localpath/filename.csv'

# Get section data
section_url = base_url + 'api/v2/help_center/en-us/sections'
sections_output = []
response = requests.get(section_url, auth = (user, pwd))
section_data = response.json()

def get_section_name_by_id(id):
    for section in section_data['sections']:
        if section['id']==id:
            return section['name']

def get_section_parent_by_id(id):
    for section in section_data['sections']:
        if section['id']==id:
            return section['category_id']

# Get category data
categories_url = base_url + 'api/v2/help_center/en-us/categories'
categories_output = []
response = requests.get(categories_url, auth = (user, pwd))
categories_data = response.json()

def get_category_by_section_id(id):
    for category in categories_data['categories']:
        if category['id']==get_section_parent_by_id(id):
            return category['name']

# Loop through all pages of articles
url = base_url + 'api/v2/help_center/en-us/articles.json?sort_by=title&sort_order=asc'
output = []

with open(csv_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8", newline='') as fp:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames = header)

    while url:
        response = requests.get(url, auth = (user, pwd))
        data = response.json()
        for article in data['articles']:

                'URL': article['html_url'],
                'TITLE': article['title'],
                'CATEGORY': get_category_by_section_id(article['section_id']),
                'SUBCATEGORY': get_section_name_by_id(article['section_id']),
                'ARTICLE_BODY': article['body']

        url = data['next_page']

# Print number of articles 
print('Number of articles:', len(output))