AEME Development Repo
This repository contains the development code for the Archive of Early Middle English project (AEME). All transcriptions are provisional and should not be quoted. For further information, please go to
The top-level directory contains the oXygen project file (currently aeme0.2.xpr). The other contents of the repository are described below with notes regarding their use:
This contains one file, aeme-proofing.xsl, which is used to generate an html version of encoded texts for proofreading. Instructions for using the file can be found here.
This folder contains the AEME schema files and associated oXygen code templates:
This folder contains all the files for Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 108. For development purposes, the codex is broken into multiple files, one text per file, and elements used by all the texts are maintained in standoff files as follows:
There is also a folder for glossary files. Glossary files are at present created in a an AEME schema-compatible format designed to record MED headword IDs for each word as references. They will probably not be used directly for output.
In order to produce valid documents, the xml files for each text must begin with the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?oxygen RNGSchema="" type="xml"?>
<!DOCTYPE TEI SYSTEM "entities.dtd">
<TEI xml:id="laudmisc108" xmlns="">
<!-- Standoff <teiHeader> and <facsimile> files --> &teiHeader; &facsimile;
<!-- End of Standoff <teiHeader> and <facsimile> files -->
This will include all three standoff documents listed above.
Changes to the <text>
This folder contains all the files for Oxford, Bodleian Library, Junius 1. Currently, it contains two different versions of the manuscript xml:
This folder contains files previously housed in this repository.