scottlamb / retina

High-level RTSP multimedia streaming library, in Rust
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access raw RTP packets (headers and all) #58

Closed RustPanda closed 2 years ago

RustPanda commented 2 years ago

Hello. How to Get raw Rtp Package? I want to redirect rtp packages to gstreamer rtph264depay.

RustPanda commented 2 years ago

webrtc-rs example:

let mut buf = [0u8; 1500];
while let Ok((size, _)) = buf).await {
    let mut buffer = gst::Buffer::with_size(size)
        .map_err(|err| tracing::error!("{err}"))
        let buffer = buffer.get_mut().unwrap();
            .copy_from_slice(0, &buf[..size])
            .map_err(|err| tracing::error!("{err}"))

        .map_err(|err| tracing::error!("{err}"))
scottlamb commented 2 years ago

"Package" = "packet", right?

retina::client::Session implements futures::Stream<Item = Result<retina::client::PacketItem, retina::Error>>, so roughly:

use futures::StreamExt; // for StreamExt::next

while let Some(pkt) = {
    let pkt = pkt.unwrap();
    match pkt {
        PacketItem::RtpPacket(p) => {
            // see p.timestamp, p.payload, etc.
        _ => {} // RTCP sender report; additional payload types in the future
RustPanda commented 2 years ago

@scottlamb yes, packet. I want to get slice, raw bytes:

let mut buf = [0u8; 1500]; <--- my buffer for rtp packet.
while let Ok((size, _)) = buf).await { <--- I receive a packet

PacketItem::RtpPacket(p) != &buf[..size] :)

I can not send PacketItem::RtpPacket(p) to rtph264depay I need a non-deserialized package to integrate gstreamre

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

Oh, the full unparsed RTP packet including the headers? That's not currently available; the non-payload parts are trimmed away here:

There's no reason we couldn't keep it around, except that we currently expose the Bytes of the payload, and I'd prefer not to have two Bytes (which would both bloat the struct and require an extra refcount). In the next breaking API change I'm likely to get rid of the exposed payload Bytes anyway in favor of borrowing a &[u8] or similar. (See #47.) Then making the full RTP packet available would be no problem.

Out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you want to use gstreamer's rtph264depay rather than Retina's H.264 depacketization code? I'm not too familiar with gstreamer but I have to imagine they also provide a way to pass in the already-assembled access units as in retina::codec::VideoFrame.

RustPanda commented 2 years ago

@scottlamb i tried to use gstreamer-rtp to send rtp payload to gst-pipeline but it doesn't work.

More convenient to send raw rtp to Gstreamer and webrtc-rs.

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

I mean skipping the rtph264depay step, instead feeding output from Retina's Demuxer (which does roughly the same thing) directly into whatever you'd otherwise feed rtph264depay's output into. I imagine it's possible, but I'm not sure how due to my inexperience with gstreamer.

But anyway, I'm working on #47 and think with those API changes, it'll be pretty easy to support getting the full raw RTP packets.

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

I just pushed the next branch with a bunch of API changes, including one that lets you get the full raw packet as requested here. I'm not done with all the breaking changes, but if you enjoy the bleeding edge, please check it out.

RustPanda commented 2 years ago

@scottlamb thank you very much

RustPanda commented 2 years ago

@scottlamb, i managed to get a stable connection. Here is the code I have been playing with: RTSPlay

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

Cool! Glad it worked, and thanks for sharing that code. Learning more about GStreamer has been on my todo list. If I get a chance, I might play around with your code and see if I can remove the rtph264depay as I suggested above.

From what little I've seen, I really like GStreamer's pipeline model. Seems like overkill for Retina by itself, but maybe someday someone will write a larger media framework in pure Rust...