scottlamb / retina

High-level RTSP multimedia streaming library, in Rust
Apache License 2.0
218 stars 46 forks source link
ip-camera rtsp rust

retina version Documentation CI

High-level RTSP multimedia streaming library, in Rust. Good support for ONVIF RTSP/1.0 IP surveillance cameras, as needed by Moonfire NVR. Works around brokenness in cheap closed-source cameras.

Status: In production use in Moonfire NVR. Many missing features.


Help welcome!

Getting started

Try the mp4 example. It streams from an RTSP server to a .mp4 file until you hit ctrl-C.

$ cargo run --package client mp4 --url rtsp:// --username admin --password test out.mp4

Example client

$ cargo run --package client <CMD>

Where CMD:

Example WebRTC proxy

This allows viewing a H.264 video stream from your browser, with the help of webrtc-rs.

$ cargo run --package webrtc-proxy -- --help


This builds on the whole Rust ecosystem. A couple folks have been especially helpful:

Why "retina"?

It's a working name. Other ideas welcome. I started by looking at dictionary words with the letters R, T, S, and P in order and picking out ones related to video:

$ egrep '^r.*t.*s.*p' /usr/share/dict/words'
retinoscope close but too long, thus retina
retrospect good name for an NVR, but I already picked Moonfire
rotascope misspelling of "rotascope" (animation tool) or archaic name for "gyroscope"?


Your choice of MIT or Apache; see LICENSE-MIT.txt or LICENSE-APACHE, respectively.