scottlamb / retina

High-level RTSP multimedia streaming library, in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Digest authentication failed with Dahua Camera #62

Closed wangjia184 closed 1 year ago

wangjia184 commented 2 years ago

I have a Dahua camera serving RTSP at rtsp://

I tried with correct username and password to connect to, it fails with authentication error.


Password are masked in above screenshot, but I can ensure the password is 100% correct. I tried to sniffer the communication between retina client and camera, and here is what I captured.

DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n
CSeq: 1\r\n
User-Agent: Retina mp4 example\r\n

RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n
CSeq: 1\r\n
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="203c8d27b595204504dfa65fd22586bd"\r\n

DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", uri="rtsp://", nonce="203c8d27b595204504dfa65fd22586bd", response="61dd3463aff71f24ee30ca23e3eeae4a"\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
User-Agent: Retina mp4 example\r\n

RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="203c8d27b595204504dfa65fd22586bd"\r\n

While the same RTSP url and credentials work fine in VLC. I also sniffered the communication between VLC and camera, the following are the captured packets.

OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n

Response: RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab"\r\n

OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 3\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab", uri="rtsp://", response="f8d0870b5bf8db1967c1a04587c04fb2"\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n

RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n
CSeq: 3\r\n
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab"\r\n

DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 4\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab", uri="rtsp://", response="f7d5cde2d331183cb1710e50d9738971"\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n

RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n
CSeq: 4\r\n
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab"\r\n

Request: OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 5\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n

RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n
CSeq: 5\r\n
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab"\r\n

OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 6\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab", uri="rtsp://", response="ad87c66be128206abbd2dd51fea8e563"\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
CSeq: 6\r\n
Server: Rtsp Server/3.0\r\n

DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 7\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab", uri="rtsp://", response="f6cbb524ce35db485250b8b88445365c"\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
CSeq: 7\r\n
x-Accept-Dynamic-Rate: 1\r\n
Content-Base: rtsp://\r\n
Cache-Control: must-revalidate\r\n
Content-length: 630
Content-type: application/sdp

You may notice VLC actually attempted twice. DESCRIBE(CSeq=4) and DESCRIBE(CSeq=7). The nonce username uri are the same. but their response are different. The first DESCRIBE failed and the later one succeeded.

DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 4\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab", uri="rtsp://", response="f7d5cde2d331183cb1710e50d9738971"\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n

DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 7\r\n
Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="Login to 4K01FD2PAJ6E3FF", nonce="e8ca006dd506cf4fdd75de1950f5aeab", uri="rtsp://", response="f6cbb524ce35db485250b8b88445365c"\r\n
User-Agent: LibVLC/ (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016.11.28)\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n

I tried to compute digest using the following approach.

HA1 = MD5(username:realm:password)
HA2 = MD5(method:digestURI)
response = MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2)

I got f7d5cde2d331183cb1710e50d9738971, this is the reponsed in VLC's first attempt but failed.

And in its second attempt, VLC produced f6cbb524ce35db485250b8b88445365c for response, it seems VLS is trying an alternative approach to compute digest and then succeeded.

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

Interesting, thanks for the detailed report.

What model & firmware version is this? It must not be all Dahua cameras; I have a couple that are working.

it seems VLS is trying an alternative approach to compute digest and then succeeded.

MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2) is the older RFC 2069 style. The http-auth crate which retina uses tries this form of calculation if there's no qop specified in the 401 response's WWW-Authenticate header. Interesting if VLC tries both.

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

Hmm, but it can't be computing in the newer style, because it's not passing along the other necessary parameters like nc and cnonce. Huh. I don't know what other calculation they'd be doing, and (in a quick skim of vlc and live555 code) I didn't see the code that would do it. Puzzling.

wangjia184 commented 2 years ago

@scottlamb It is a sub-brand of Dahua, IMOU indoor camera TF5

Dont think it is MD5-sess as I dont see cnonce in the request. I tried to compute hash manually in several way and cannot get the result f6cbb524ce35db485250b8b88445365c. Asking this question on SO:

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

I hope you get an answer on SO. It might also be worth trying live555's own commandline client to narrow down the code involved to a single codebase that's easier to build and add debugging code to.

scottlamb commented 1 year ago

Did you get this figured out? I just clicked the SO link and got "This question was voluntarily removed by its author."

wangjia184 commented 1 year ago

yep, I found the reason, VLC was trying to use some password from system for retry. so my password was wrong. closing this issue