scottlamb / retina

High-level RTSP multimedia streaming library, in Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Exiting because of bad sps #68

Open thatdevsherry opened 1 year ago

thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

Hi, I tried out your crate to check if it works with my outdoor camera. It exits out because of bad sps.

Is this a problem with how the camera implements RTSP?

Thank you


I20221015 14:37:53.671 main client::mp4] Using h264 video stream
I20221015 14:37:53.686 main client::mp4] No suitable audio stream found
E20221015 14:37:55.589 main client] Fatal: bad sps

stream: TCP, interleaved channel ids 0-1
ssrc: 00000000
seq: 00000068
pkt: 150505@2022-10-15T14:37:54
thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

Maybe this can provide some context

     Running `target/debug/client info --url 'rtsp://' --print-streams --print-sdp`
s=streamed by the macro-video rtsp server
t=0 0
a=x-qt-text-nam:streamed by the macro-video rtsp server
c=IN IP4
m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96
a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000
a=fmtp:96 profile-level-id=TQAf;packetization-mode=1;sprop-parameter-sets=J00AH+dAKALdgKUFBQXwAAADABAAAAMCiwEAAtxoAAIlUX//AoA=,KO48gA==

stream 0:
Stream {
    media: "video",
    control: Some(
    encoding_name: "h264",
    rtp_payload_type: 96,
    clock_rate: 90000,
    channels: None,
    framerate: None,
    depacketizer: Ok(
                Depacketizer {
                    input_state: New,
                    pending: None,
                    parameters: Some(
                        InternalParameters {
                            generic_parameters: VideoParameters {
                                rfc6381_codec: "avc1.4D001F",
                                pixel_dimensions: (
                                pixel_aspect_ratio: Some(
                                frame_rate: Some(
                                extra_data: Length: 53 (0x35) bytes
                                0000:   01 4d 00 1f  ff e1 00 26  27 4d 00 1f  e7 40 28 02   .M.....&'M...@(.
                                0010:   dd 80 a5 05  05 05 f0 00  00 03 00 10  00 00 03 02   ................
                                0020:   8b 01 00 02  dc 68 00 02  25 51 7f ff  02 80 01 00   .....h..%Q......
                                0030:   04 28 ee 3c  80                                      .(.<.,
                            sps_nal: b"'M\0\x1f\xe7@(\x02\xdd\x80\xa5\x05\x05\x05\xf0\0\0\x03\0\x10\0\0\x03\x02\x8b\x01\0\x02\xdch\0\x02%Q\x7f\xff\x02\x80",
                            pps_nal: b"(\xee<\x80",
                    pieces: [],
                    nals: [],
    state: Uninit,

I20221015 14:49:18.468 main client] Done
scottlamb commented 1 year ago

What make/model/version camera is this?

Is this a problem with how the camera implements RTSP?

Likely yes, but I'm happy to add workarounds as needed.

The SDP you quoted looks fine, as far as I can tell. The SPS there is parseable. And if there were an error in that SDP, Retina should have logged a warning Ignoring bad H.264 format-specific-params: ... and proceeded anyway.

Instead, I think it's struggling with the "in-band parameters" (ones sent in the middle of the RTP data stream, rather than in the SDP). Not sure yet what to do about that. Maybe we could try making it ignore them if it already has valid parameters (as it seems to in this case). We can also improve the logging here to give some more info than bad sps.

It'd help me to see the whole data stream. Would you be able/willing to gather a packet capture with e.g. Wireshark? It could be this Retina run, or maybe better yet some other software talking successfully with this camera (rather than bailing with an error here). The packet capture will have your camera's MAC and such embedded in it, so If you don't want to share it publicly, emailing it to me would be perfectly fine.

thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

What make/model/version camera is this?

It's a generic V380 camera.

Would you be able/willing to gather a packet capture with e.g. Wireshark?

Sure. Let me check if I can capture some relevant data. I have a raspberry pi setup to stream camera's RTSP using VLC.

thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

I've mailed the wireshark capture to you. Please let me know if it's what you were looking for.

I did the following:

  1. Switched to v0.4.2, since v0.4.3 exits with bad sps and can never seem to start running
  2. Tried running retina

I noticed this error pop up a couple of times during startup, as well as exiting in middle of receiving packets (v0.4.2 starts up after a couple of tries like old carburetor cars :p)

E20221015 22:44:40.071 main client] Fatal: SPS NAL is 120954 bytes long; must fit in u16

Whenever it does record to out.mp4, VLC doesn't really show any video during playback.

EDIT: I also noticed that the error pops up on v0.4.2 only when I try to stream the HD stream. When selecting to play the lower resolution SD stream, it starts up and doesn't exit. I can't play the recorded out.mp4 on VLC again though.

Also on v0.4.3,bad sps still shows up when trying to play the lower res stream.

thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

I also noticed when trying to stream HD track, VLC doesn't immediately start showing video. VLC itself starts up but the video comes up a bit after.

I don't have knowledge about how the communication works, but maybe it has to do with VLC waiting to get those "in-band params" and after it gets them, it figures out how to stream video.

scottlamb commented 1 year ago

The packet capture helped. I have in my working copy a program that chews through it, with improved errors. Here's what it says:

bad sps (invalid RBSP byte 0x0 in state TwoZero): Length: 64850 (0xfd52) bytes
0000:   27 4d 00 1f  e7 40 28 02  dd 80 a5 05  05 05 f0 00   'M...@(.........
0010:   00 03 00 10  00 00 03 02  8b 01 00 02  dc 68 00 02   .............h..
0020:   25 51 7f ff  02 80 00 00  00 01 28 ee  3c 80 00 00   %Q........(.<...
0030:   00 01 25 b8  20 00 11 6f  f6 28 f7 5b  50 80 62 e2   ..%. ..o.(.[P.b.
0040:   a0 b9 68 83  02 d1 30 9a  fc 4b 95 1f  84 d3 37 1e   ..h...0..K....7.
0050:   42 44 a7 f8  3f 4b 54 06  21 d3 53 41  55 c2 8d 92   BD..?KT.!.SAU...
0060:   f3 44 dd 5a  ee 24 4d ad  cb 41 31 dc  e4 8e 07 d6   .D.Z.$M..A1.....
0070:   52 fd 05 d5  d4 3d 79 4f  d3 85 36 06  33 57 ec 32   R....=yO..6.3W.2
0080:   fe 5c b8 5c  4d 5f 4f 57  aa 29 dc d7  39 e9 3c 98   .\.\M_OW.)..9.<.
0090:   2c 2d 89 ad  43 98 cf df  6a 85 34 12  9c d5 bc 3f   ,-..C...j.4....?
00a0:   ca 69 39 5b  8a 0a f1 c9  43 ad 70 5a  e3 87 5e aa   .i9[....C.pZ..^.
00b0:   45 fa 7a 95  cb 6c 12 07  c7 9e d6 ae  e1 02 5d e0   E.z..l........].
00c0:   c6 d8 a7 9f  3a eb cb 61  94 b1 7a 00  9c 1b 7d d9   ....:..a..z...}.
00d0:   39 16 04 d3  bf 14 45 54  50 3c 2b d1  21 b0 e0 1b   9.....ETP<+.!...
00e0:   a0 cc 25 30  e4 22 b8 72  27 96 83 8d  b7 1c 89 58   ..%0.".r'......X
00f0:   f4 d8 65 bd  2c d9 8d 93  37 dd 62 3e  47 78 54 f8   ..e.,...7.b>GxT.
...64594 (0xfc52) bytes not shown..

Some background.

H.264 streams are divided into messages called "NAL"s (Network Abstraction Layer, which is a weird name for what it is IMHO). A NAL can be encoded in different ways, including:

The H.264 spec defines an encoding (often called "Annex B format") that uses these sequences of zeros to mark the ends of NALs. This is why they're not allowed to appear inside a single encoded NAL.

RTSP uses another standard called RTP for its data messages. Different audio/video encodings each have their own RFC to describe how RTP transports them. For H.264, it's RFC 6184. It includes:

It looks like your camera is sending FU-As which contain several encoded NALs:

This isn't what the standard says to do. Retina's behavior recently changed:

To support your camera well, we need to alter Retina's src/codec/ to everywhere it's currently expecting a single NAL, expect an Annex B stream of multiple NALs, and break them apart. This should allow your camera to work properly: no Retina errors, and the example will write valid .mp4 files. It also should be basically harmless for cameras that follow the standard properly (just a tiny bit of extra CPU).

I could work on this. I also see that you have some experience working with networking in Rust. Would you prefer to try it yourself? I'm happy to walk you through it if so.

thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed response Scott. I'd love to work on this. I did work with networking in Rust a while back, but I wouldn't consider my rust skills to be that good :p Just started re-learning rust.

I can try to work on this, with a little bit of hand-holding along the way :D

thatdevsherry commented 1 year ago

Update on the issue.

I've managed to throw some code at it and it is now creating an mp4 file that is working!

I'll create a PR soon and we can review if there's anything we need to add :)