scottmuc / infrastructure

Documentation / Automation for personal third-party infrastructure
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Rebuild Macbook Air - Potentially the Last Repave #36

Closed scottmuc closed 2 years ago

scottmuc commented 2 years ago

Yay for Repaving!

As much as possible is documented inline in this issue template. In case of problems you may find help by viewing all the previous repave issues. Have fun!

Things to do with the existing build

Rebuild steps

Post OS install steps

note to speed things up, some of the steps above can be done while coalese_this_machine is running.

Done When

scottmuc commented 2 years ago

This is likely my last repave. I plan on selling this old laptop that served me well for 8 years!

I already know that none of my 1Password scripting works with v2.0.0 of the 1password-cli so I'll use this repave to update those scripts.

scottmuc commented 2 years ago

To initiliaze 1password CLI:

op account add --address --email <redacted> --<redacted>

scottmuc commented 2 years ago
~/workspace/infrastructure/dns ? dig txt +short
"Macbook air repaved, for probably the last time, on Apr 10 2022"
scottmuc commented 2 years ago

create-repave-secrets is sort of becoming obsolete. Need to review how to change direction with it. Mainly because my repaves don't require so much security sophistication.

scottmuc commented 2 years ago

This was a painless repave despite needing to updating all my scripts for the new 1Password CLI. Very happy with the changes they made. Didn't take much time (30-45min) to update my scripts and test them.