Terraform + AWS because it's boring. I'm familiar with both of these technologies already. Thanks
@jezhumble for this sharing how the US Government manages DNS
s3 backend for Terraform state because I repave frequently so need to ensure these files are
stored somewhere safe.
Separate terraform user created with: IAMFullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, and AmazonRoute53FullAccess
policies. Created manually as I wasn't sure how to terraform the user that terraform runs as. Never used
the Access Advisor before and it's pretty slick! (looks like I should have a bootstrap)
Still using Terraform but no longer going to use AWS DNS. No need for the level of indirection. Gandi.net
works just fine.
Moved to storing infrastructure related secrets in this repository and securing them
using git-crypt.
Abandoned the decision log since I don't maintain or update it.