scottmuc / infrastructure

Documentation / Automation for personal third-party infrastructure
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Rebuild Windows PC - 202301win #46

Closed scottmuc closed 1 year ago

scottmuc commented 1 year ago

Yay for Repaving!

As much as possible is documented inline in this issue template. In case of problems you may find help by viewing all the previous repave issues. Have fun!


  • [x] prepare USB device with a Windows installer.


    Here's the latest documentation I followed to make a USB installer.

  • Repave

  • [x] wipe old partitions.

  • [x] run Windows installer.

  • Post Paving

  • [x] Install BoxStarter

    • choco install Boxstarter
  • [x] Install my Box Starter Package


    Thanks Rich Turner for your excellent example!

    Launch Powershell with elevated privileges:

    Install-BoxstarterPackage -DisableReboots -PackageName

  • [x] Windows update

  • [x] Configure Brave


    Do the following:

    • Ensure 1 Password extension works
    • Getpocket installed
    • Unhook extension is installed (and support the author)
    • Set searrch engine to DuckDuckGo
  • [x] Install and configure Google Drive

  • [x] Turn off all Windows notification sounds

  • [ ] Setup Radeon Software


    I'm not sure what to do here. Here are a couple helpful links:

  • [x] Install and configure Samsung Magician


    Download the installer and run it. Enable the performance profile.

  • [x] Make this template slightly better

  • scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    Something noteworthy is this is the first time using Boxstarter 3.0.0 and it worked just fine.

    Still manually installing 1 Password which is fine. I'm still re-evaluating my password management anyways. Was able to log into GitHub without knowing my credentials, so that's a good start.

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    Realized that the only reason I install Google Drive is for my Gnucash accounting files. I could move those to my Z: drive and setup a backup process instead (or finally look at OSS alternatives)

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    I ran Novabench before installing any AMD Radeon software:

    CPU: 1647 RAM: 269 GPU: 1078 Disk: 359

    Total: 3353

    I'd like to avoid installed the Radeon stuff. I don't know if it really improves anything.

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    An interesting issue has come up. Previously, when I run my Autohotkey gaming script, the audio output would switch to my TV and PC accordingly. Now I'm having to change the output device manually. The previous install I must have fallen into the successful path by accident.

    More importantly though... I can play Elden Ring without any issues and without installing the AMD Radeon software.

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    Also, I need to step up the filesystem and dot files game in the windows setup. Things that need to be sorted:

    Also tempted to separate into 2 BoxStarter scripts. One to bootstrap the machine, install git, and clone the repo. This needs to be self-contained in one .ps1 file since the script to boostrap won't be cloned. The latter can then benefit from defining some functions and including them.

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    As the commit above shows, I'm not signing my commits in Windows yet. Hopefully with better separation of concerns, I can figure out how to test isolated parts as I develop this library of configuration functions.

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    Had a BSOD when the machine woke from sleep this morning. Also, this reminds me that I don't have the node exporter installed, so metrics aren't being obtained.

    scottmuc commented 1 year ago

    Calling this repave done. Going to quickly do another one with the new scripting to ensure that works.