scottsweb / wp-instagram-widget

❌ A WordPress widget for showing your latest Instagram photos.
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Return of - Instagram has returned invalid data. #118

Closed chado99 closed 4 years ago

chado99 commented 4 years ago

Hello, In the last few weeks I've noticed this occurring on the site I manage "Instagram has returned invalid data." It is using the Foodie Pro wordpress theme which relies on this plugin. Ive been using version 2.0.3 and just deleted and redownloaded and installed. Still issues. I've also tried using a different (public) instagram handle, still has issues. I am using the @ (not hashtag).

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

See #112 or test

chado99 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I'd like to download/try your test of 2.0.4, but a bit newer to github. How do you recommend me downloading the .zip so I can upload via the WP Panel? thanks in advance.

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

Yes, grab the zip from here: and upload manually, see how you get on.

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

Let me know how you get on too, so I can merge it if all is well.

chado99 commented 4 years ago

Hey, there. Uploaded, configured and tried 2.0.4 beta in the link above and did in incognito and still seems to be having an issue (see screenshot). Let me know if there is anything you want me to try to trouble shoot. image

vsdphotos commented 4 years ago

I just uploaded 2.0.4 as well and am still getting the same error message.

DavePodosyan commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue as well.

crueltyfreecrystal commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue but am confused as to what to do about it in #117

lagodbout commented 4 years ago

I’m having the same problem as well ! Could you give us more précisions on what needs to be done in #117 ? Thanks!

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

For those unsure what to do:

  1. Download this ZIP:
  2. Upload it manually via the plugins screen in WordPress:
  3. Let me know if it fixes anything for you
safmedina commented 4 years ago

Hi there. Unfortunately, the latest fix does not work.

chameleo24 commented 4 years ago

Hi No change after update ...

volthemes commented 4 years ago

not sure why, it works fine on localhost, but not on the live site

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

If you find it is working on a local envrionment, then it could be that Instagram has blocked IPs related to shared hosts. In the latest version 2.0.4 you can test a special filter add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to see if that does the trick.

This risk then becomes that this method gets blocked too... but we shall see.

Qksi commented 4 years ago

Still "Instagram returned invalid data" with v. 2.0.4

lukestateson commented 4 years ago

Tried wget the URL of Instagram profile from server and it redirects to login page.

volthemes commented 4 years ago

If you find it is working on a local envrionment, then it could be that Instagram has blocked IPs related to shared hosts. In the latest version 2.0.4 you can test a special filter add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to see if that does the trick.

This risk then becomes that this method gets blocked too... but we shall see.

great. it works fine with the code. thanks!

lukestateson commented 4 years ago

The proxy method works fine.

onholidayblog commented 4 years ago

Hi there. I am having the same issue. I added the new version. But where I am supposed to add the code you're talking about?

lukestateson commented 4 years ago

Hi there. I am having the same issue. I added the new version. But where I am supposed to add the code you're talking about?

you can try adding this code inside functions.php in your theme

75codes commented 4 years ago

Hi, by adding add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to the fuctions.php is working. thanks. just an rdm question is it possible to add connection via ID and token of a specific account of IG on a side? seams other plugins who offers this solution is been able to connect to a specific account ID with no problem. thanks

lagodbout commented 4 years ago

Hi - Will you be updating the plugin soon with the solution ? - or is it absolutely necessary to go add the the filter to the function.php or our site ? Thanks !

scottsweb commented 4 years ago


is it possible to add connection via ID and token of a specific account of IG on a side?

There are many plugins that go the token route, this plugin was always an alternative to that. Easier to setup, less fuss. I wouldn't want to create an Instagram app and share the tokens on GitHub. Firstly that would require I create an Instagram/Facebook account and secondly it would be less than ideal to share those tokens publically.


The plugin has been removed from so any upates are only going to be made available here, on GitHub. I am going to merge this latest set of changes now and from then on you can update it with You will need the proxy code for it to work - I don't want this to be the default for everyone as this new method will just be blocked too.

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

Changes now merged into master. I am going to leave this open for a few days to help others that stumble on it.

plugloi commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much. I like it. Fast support.

plugloi commented 4 years ago

Hi, by adding add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to the fuctions.php is working. thanks. just an rdm question is it possible to add connection via ID and token of a specific account of IG on a side? seams other plugins who offers this solution is been able to connect to a specific account ID with no problem. thanks

@yvonskaiky Thank you. I adding add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to the fuctions.php <- This is answer.

infiniteembers commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am having this issue as well. I'm hoping we're getting an update soon since it's affected all these users?

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

@infiniteembers please read the thread above ^

infiniteembers commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid I don't really understand anything written above, I don't know anything about coding and got confused but am trying to fix this issue on my blog. Is this the only solution?

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

@infiniteembers this is the solution:

  1. Download the plugin:
  2. Upload the plugin manually:
  3. If it still does not work, add the following code add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to your site. Normally added in the functions.php file of your theme or via plugin, e.g:

There will be no more automattic plugin updates as it has been removed from the .org repo #115

myshella commented 4 years ago

@infiniteembers this is the solution:

  1. Download the plugin:
  2. Upload the plugin manually:
  3. If it still does not work, add the following code add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to your site. Normally done in the functions.php file of your theme.

There will be no more automattic plugin updates as it has been removed from the .org repo #115

Thank you! The update works for me.

infiniteembers commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your help @scottsweb! The plug in did not work but adding the code did for me. I appreciate it.

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

@infiniteembers it looks like it wasn't happy with the change, make sure it is placed inside any existing <?php ?> tags. It might also be that your host does not allow editing via WordPress iteself, so you would need to use FTP/SFTP or try adding it with a plugin:

DavePodosyan commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue as well.

The issue was resolved by itself! I didn't update to 2.0.4.

chado99 commented 4 years ago

Php code update works for me.

Question: I’m using a genesis child theme. Anyone know code snippet can be added via genesis simple hooks and if so where? I fear this change feting overwritten in the functions.php file when genesis theme gets updated.

add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true');

myshella commented 4 years ago

Plugin no longer works :(

"Unable to communicate with Instagram." or "Instagram has returned invalid data."

RaspberryFlavouredWindows commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I've followed all the instructions to the letter but I still have 'Instagram has returned invalid data'. I'm up for a national blog award that is being judged in a weeks time and am in full blown panic mode. My theme is hemlock and this is the only plugin that works with the theme. Also when I updated to the new version I now get an error message saying the plugin isn't installed even though it is.

plugloi commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue as well.

The issue was resolved by itself! I didn't update to 2.0.4.

@DavePodosyan Wow, How to resolve it?

Qksi commented 4 years ago

It seems methtod with proxy is blocked as well... "Unable to communicate with Instagram"

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

I am seeing the same issue. It looks like the proxy method was short lived. I think it might be time to call it a day.

iangeek commented 4 years ago

I am seeing the same issue. It looks like the proxy method was short lived. I think it might be time to call it a day.

@scottsweb Inclined to think you might be right :-/ It's been an invaluable plugin for a long time (I've been a long-time supporter of it), but looks like you're swimming against an ever-stronger tide, particularly if FB are starting to get serious on locking things down.

Props for all you've done so far though *highfives

asadkn commented 4 years ago

Even the API (token method) is going to be sunset in early 2020 as per official API docs, but that's a few months away at least. And the replacement Facebook Graph API is only for insta business accounts and too has a strict app approval.

So Facebook being dev-hostile as usual. They don't want people getting the Instagram data at all in the future it seems.

feastdesignco commented 4 years ago

@asadkn this is unsurprising. All social media companies want to force people to use their own sites and apps - displaying content off their own sites is a "leaky bucket theory" problem that they're constantly working to resolve.

mickaelmaury commented 4 years ago

Same problem for a client website with theme Jacqueline WordPress theme and wp-instagram-widget version 2.0.4.

chado99 commented 4 years ago

Same here, I had it working with 2.0.4 and proxy php code last night. Not working any longer. @feastdesignco will you be identifying any other Instagram plugins to replicate this in the Foodie Pro theme?

AlchemyUnited commented 4 years ago

FYI - When I var_dump($insta_array['entry_data']) I get this:

array(1) { ["LoginAndSignupPage"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["captcha"]=> array(2) { ["enabled"]=> bool(false) ["key"]=> string(0) "" } ["gdpr_required"]=> bool(false) ["tos_version"]=> string(3) "row" ["username_hint"]=> string(0) "" } } }

It was working a couple days ago. We're on GoDaddy hosting, specifically just staging ATM. Not sure if that's (GoDaddy) part of the problem pattern.

AlchemyUnited commented 4 years ago

@feastdesignco - Actually, scraping - which is what this plugin is doing - is typically a simple ToS violation. This could have happened a long time ago. IG finally enforcing this is likely more related to privacy, security, and the (growing) fear of foreign entities and govs harvesting / collecting personal data.

AlchemyUnited commented 4 years ago

Has anyone considered IFTTT as a way to get IG image URLs? I'm not sure what would be the best Then That action.

lukestateson commented 4 years ago

The only way to save this plugin is to make the scrapes once a day and keep the data in transient for 24 hours with backup transient for 1 year.

And there is absolutely no way to keep it working on hosting with shared IP address.

TanyavonZ commented 4 years ago

Hi same here, Wordpress theme Olsen Light, must have been for the past few days that my 2.0.3 widget says now 'Instagram has returned invalid data. and since yesterday the Follow Me! link seems broken, too. I'm not a programmer, so not sure what to do. Deactivate and reactivate? Is it a bug to fix, or is it something that Instagram has blocked the connection to? It's been working for a while before that.