scr0-0ge / Da3018-vt2023-project

Project: a genome assembly graph by Xingyi Chen
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Project: a genome assembly graph by Xingyi Chen

Note0: Patch 5 is the final version, Patch 0 is the prototype

Lab paperwork include lab log and lab report
all code include java file, python file and a short 1000 line test data for this project
all csv file inclide DegreeDistribution.csv and ComponentDensities.csv, you can use python file to visilize the graph

Here is how you run the code:
1. javac (if it does not work try javac -encoding UTF8

2. java -Xss1G -Xms25G GenomeAssemblyGraph

you should change xms number into a number that your pc supports, I have 64gb ram so that why I can give it 25gb.
g.readData("G:\project\Da3018-vt2023-project\Spruce_fingerprint_2017-03-10_16.48.olp.m4"); on line 58, you should change it into where your Spruce_fingerprint_2017-03-10_16.48.olp.m4 is at.
lets say your Spruce_fingerprint_2017-03-10_16.48.olp.m4 is inside programing folder at destop then it will be "C:\Users\your username\Desktop\programing\Spruce_fingerprint_2017-03-10_16.48.olp.m4"