scraimer / eink-entrance-display-backend

Backend of eInk display
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Installation and Run

Create a file named .secrets that looks something like this

# Do not commit this file! It has private data!

After the .secrets has been placed in the same directory as, you can launch the daemon.

go install
~/go/bin/task build_docker
~/go/bin/task run_docker_daemon

Google Credentials

Read the instruction in to see how to get the Application to have access.

Developement Mode

Outside a container

This will automatically update when you modify the file.

go install
# Stop the installed docker, if one is running
docker stop `docker container list --filter "expose=8321" -q`
~/go/bin/task debug_run

In a container

If you're developing this, you can run the container in debug mode so that you can see the output from the runnings daemon.

It won't auto-update when you modify files, though. You'll have to press CTRL-C and restart the container to load changes.

go install
# Stop the installed docker, if one is running
docker stop `docker container list --filter "expose=8321" -q`
~/go/bin/task debug_build_docker
~/go/bin/task debug_run_docker

For the plan, see

In the devcontainer

VSCode supports the devcontainer, which has been configured for running on ARMv7l (which is what I have this installed on at home, a Raspberry Pi 4. Migrating to aarch64 would be nice, but would take a lot of work.)

To run the server:

task debug_run

And then open this link in your browser: http://localhost:8323 (This works since that port is fowarded by VSCode)