Jupyter notebook extension for the reactopy gallery
You must first install the reactopya_gallery Python package. For convenience in development, this package is contained as a git submodule. (Note that the reactopya_gallery submodule contains its own git submodule!).
git clone --recursive [URL to Git repo]
Or if you have already cloned, then do:
git submodule update --init
Then install this python package
pip install -e .
Next, compile the JavaScript and install the extension (in developer mode):
yarn install
jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix reactopya_gallery_jupyter
jupyter nbextension enable reactopya_gallery_jupyter --py --sys-prefix
Finally, run jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
and open example_notebooks/reactopya_gallery.ipynb
For subsequent pulls, make sure to recursively pull all submodules:
git pull --recurse-submodules
To apply these changes, run:
yarn install
then reload the notebook (both kernel and browser page). This assumes also that the extension was installed as a symlink (i.e., development mode).
The Python and JavaScript wrappers needed for the Jupyter extension are automatically generated. See the code_generation/