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Live Transcription for Augmented Reality Glasses
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Download Node.js at Node comes with npm (Node Package Manager), which we will use for running code on your machine and deploying it to Github Pages. Make sure node and npm are in your PATH and then run node -v and npm -v.

Here are some relevant files worth knowing about. These files are present in any React repository. Most of them are initialized automatically with the command npx create-react-app.

When you push a commit, if the commit is ready to deploy to Github Pages, also run npm run deploy and the site at our URL will be updated within a couple minutes.

Relevant Technologies

I prefer to learn through videos so most of the links I'm posting will be videos. I will also post some documentation, which is useful, but imo only as a reference, not a way to learn something new.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library for frontend development, but you can also think of it as a template for organizing code for a web page. You will want to become comfortable with JavaScript if you are not already.

Redux is a JavaScript library used to store global state. It is particularly useful alongside React because it solves many of the difficulties created by React’s unidirectional data flow.

Speech Recognition

We currently use 3 API's:

Webspeech: is an API available through Reacts library, so it is very simple to get working. It is run asynchronously to the rest of the code and because of this, having it communicate with everything else can be a little tricky. The best way I have found to communicate with it is by using stateRef's which react offers with "React.useRef()"

Azure: is another API we use and is slightly more difficult to work with, as it requires a key and region authentication. It is also run asynchronously so we use "React.useRef()" to communicate with it as well. Azure is much more exciting as a lot of its capabilities are pretty cutting edge, a lot of updates we have planned involve implementing Azure features.

StreamText: is a website that we actually just render with an Iframe. There is almost no coding involved and because it uses an Iframe, there is also very little communication possible. Anyone looking to help with streamtext would probably need to get comfortable with XML requests.