scrim-network / loadWxObs

A R package containing a set of utility functions for loading and writing weather station observations.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The loadWxObs R package contains a set of utility functions for loading and writing weather station observations. Currently supports loading and writing from/to local netCDF observation files.

Development notes

loadWxObs depends on R(≥3.3.2) and has the following R package dependencies:

Getting Started


loadWxObs is not currently available from CRAN. To install the latest development version directly from Github, run devtools:

install.packages("devtools") ##if not already installed


Example of loading daily precipitation observations from a ChesWx netCDF station observation file.

# Set timezone for environment to UTC

# Set file path for ChesWx netCDF observation file
PATH_CHESWX = "/Users/jaredwo/Downloads/data/cheswx"
path_obsnc <- file.path(PATH_CHESWX, "station_data/")

# Open observation netCDF file
ds <- hdf5r::H5File$new(path_obsnc, mode='r')

# Load station metadata as a SpatialPointsDataFrame
stns <- loadWxObs::load_stns(ds)

# Plot the station points

# Load time variable data and create vector of POSIXct times
# This is needed when loading actual observations
times <- loadWxObs::load_time(ds)

# Load precipitation time series for Richmond airport (station id: GHCND_USW00013740)
# Observations are returned as an xts object
ts_prcp <- loadWxObs::load_obs(ds, 'prcp', stns, times, stnids=c('GHCND_USW00013740'))

# Plot Richmond time series

# Load precipitation observations from all stations for May 1980
# Observations are returned as an xts object with a column for each station
# This is considered a "spacewide" data structure
prcp <- loadWxObs::load_obs(ds, 'prcp', stns, times, start_end=c('1980-05-01','1980-05-31'))

# Convert spacewide xts object to a spatiotemporal data structure from the
# spacetime package
prcp_stfdf <- loadWxObs::coerce_spacewide_xts_to_STFDF(prcp, stns, 'prcp')

# Plot map of observations for May 14, 1980

# Plot multiple maps of observations from May 14-21

# Close netcdf file

Example of loading daily precipitation observations from a ChesWx netCDF station observation file using the quick load function. The quick load function loads station metadata and observations in a single call. Data are returned as a list of station metadata and observations. Station metadata is a SpatialPointsDataFrame and observations are in a spacewide xts object

# Set timezone for environment to UTC

stnobs <- loadWxObs::quick_load_stnobs(path_obsnc, 'prcp', c('1980-05-01','1980-05-31'))
stns <- stnobs[['stns']]
obs <- stnobs[['prcp']]


Jared Oyler, Kelsey Ruckert, Robert Nicholas, and Matthew Lisk

Maintainer and Contact

Kelsey Ruckert:

Checking the package


To facilitate building and checking the package, the environment rwas built as a "writable" Singularity container. The built container is stored on Firkin (where it was built). Only the Singularity definition file is provided (cwx.def). This definition file can be used to reproduce the container on another system.

Building the container

--fakeroot option

A “fake root” user has almost the same administrative rights as root but only inside the container and the requested namespaces, which means that this user:

--sandbox option

To create a container within a writable directory (called a sandbox), it is done with the --sandbox option. It’s possible to create a sandbox without root privileges, but to ensure proper file permissions it is recommended to do so as root. We do so using the --fakeroot option.

singularity build --fakeroot --sandbox cwx/ cwx.def

Running the container

--writable option

To make changes within the container, use the --writable flag when invoking the container. This will need to be done in an interactive mode. Once in the container you have update or install packages.

NOTE: You cannot make fundamental changes to a writeable container. This option is instead great for updating and installing R and python packages interactively as well as downloading git repos.

singularity shell --writable cwx/

Running CRAN Checks

Step 1: Clone the repo within the container

git clone

Step 2: Build the package

 R CMD build loadWxObs

Step 3: Run the checks

R CMD check --as-cran loadWxObs_0.0.1.tar.gz


loadWxObs is a R package containing a set of utility functions for loading and writing weather station observations. loadWxObs is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.

Copyright 2019 Jared Oyler, Kelsey Ruckert, Robert Nicholas, and Matthew Lisk

loadWxObs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

loadWxObs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, the authors and maintainer maintain no responsibility for any errors or bugs in the code.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with loadWxObs. If not, see

This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation through the Network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management (SCRiM) under NSF cooperative agreement GEO-1240507.