Open scripting opened 3 years ago
I believe you use keyboard shortcuts to bring up the dev tools (Control+Shift+I on my Windows box), then click the Element chooser in the upper left of the dev tools window.
I think perhaps people don’t know what the Inspect command in the browser does. You right click on an object, and it takes you to that object in the element view. I know how to get to the element view.
My unfamiliarity with Electron might be showing, but I do think this does what you want. The top left button (blue in screenshot 2 turns the cursor into a hover clicker that, when you click on your target object, will jump to it in the Element view.
Yes! This works. Thank you. ;-)
I now see that's what you were saying in your first message, but I didn't get it.
I'll have another question shortly.
As promised -- the next question...
In Chrome, when I make a change in some code, sometimes just reloading the page doesn't cause the changes to load. There is a way to force it to do so. 1. Open the JavaScript console. 2. In the browser toolbar, hold down the mouse button while clicking on the Reload icon. A menu pops up, offering you a chance to "Hard reload" the page. The single keystroke for this is Cmd-Shift-R (on the Mac at least). That will avoid using cached copies of files that are included by the app.
How do you do this in Electron? I've been trying to add a cache confuser to the <script> element, but that doesn't always work. I need a reliable way to make sure new versions of code are loaded. It's pretty hard to debug if you can't quickly make changes.
One way to mimick the “hard reload” is to go to the Network tab in the Inspector. That tab should have a “Disable cache” checkbox (located in the first row below the tabs). That should force the browser to reload all resources from the server on every request.
A combination of creating a keyboard shortcut interceptor in your main process like this example: and then calling the reloadIgnoringCache method of webContents should do it (see
Question about debugging in Electron. I want to inspect an object in the HTML page. In the browser I'd right-click on the object, and choose Inspect from the menu. How do I do this in an Electron app?