scripting / Scripting-News

I'm starting to use GitHub for work on my blog. Why not? It's got good communication and collaboration tools. Why not hook it up to a blog?
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Various projects related to Scripting News, my blog.

Nightly blog backups

Every night at midnight Eastern, a script runs on one of my servers, backing up the new stuff on my blog, here on the GitHub repo.

I've documented what the script does.

The source of the script is released under the MIT license. It uses the GitHub API.

If you're a tech blogger, please consider archiving your blog in a similar way.

Braintrust query -> issue

When I have a technical subject I want to discuss with readers of Scripting News, I open an issue on this repo. I find that GitHub has all the collaboration tools we need, and it's a familiar interface to programmers.

How to use this repo

Well, that's sort of a trick question. You need to read the blog, I'll post questions in the form of an Issue, and a discussion may or may not ensue.

You can also watch the repo, so you'll be informed via email when something new shows up here. There's an icon at the top of each page that allows you to watch or unwatch.


v0.41 - 6/3/17 by DW

RSS-in-JSON readme first draft.

v0.40 - 6/2/16 by DW

Started the project.