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Feeds with <source:blogroll> elements in their RSS feeds #308

Open scripting opened 1 month ago

scripting commented 1 month ago

I'm working on a bit of demo software and need a few blogroll-supporting feeds that have a <source:blogroll> element.

You can see an example in the feed for my blog.

If you have one, please post a link here or send me an email.

Hopefully we have enough of them now to start a bootstrap. :-)

To get started I only need two or three, a few more would be nice to have.

Extra points if your blogroll links to another site that also has a blogroll.

ralexander-phi commented 1 month ago

If I can include RSS feeds which <link> to a web page which has the <link rel=blogroll ... element, I think the is the longest chain I've discovered is eight feeds:

There's a loop between and There's a lot of and feedland here, as you'd probably expect.

You can explore those connections here: (although I'll caution that there's some missing links I need to fix).

scripting commented 1 month ago

Thank you! Now I've got something to play with. :-)

scripting commented 1 month ago

Good morning, @ralexander-phi --

I have Manton in my blogroll, and thought that his feed would have a link but it doesn't appear to.

Maybe that's not the right URL.

For now I need a handful of feeds with links to blogrolls.

I don't mind extending my software to look for <link rel="blogroll">s.

scripting commented 1 month ago

I added

Back to my blogroll. I had removed it because he was posting every day with items that said "nothing happened today" or something like that, and I felt that was not good subject matter for my blogroll. ;-)

But he's back to posting, and he has a blogroll link in his feed, so I've got at least one to play with.

scripting commented 1 month ago

I added your first feed --

His most recent piece is a gem! These are the kinds of things I never want to miss, yet I did miss it.

That is what we are about to explore with real blogs, feeds and subscription lists.

There are enough bloggers supporting this that we (probably) have a good demo, that's what I am playing with today.

scripting commented 1 month ago

Now here's an example of a feed I want in my blogroll,

But -- it doesn't have a source:blogroll element in the feed. Instead he says the link is in his HTML, which I could find by looking at that, but I'd much rather see people put the link in their feed. Makes it a little easier for aggregators.


I did subscrbe to his OPML file as a reading list in FeedLand. It's the one without a title in this list.

Those are the reading lists I'm subscribed to. (FeedLand allows you to subscribe to OPML files, that's what a reading list is.)

It's realllly important to put titles and creation dates at least in your OPML files.

colin-walker commented 1 month ago

But he's back to posting...

Now that I've scrapped my live feed and only use the Daily I'm going to remove the "no posts" reference so it will only include those days with something posted.

ralexander-phi commented 3 weeks ago

I'd much rather see people put the link in their feed. Makes it a little easier for aggregators.

I like the idea of keeping things XML only, but I think HTML offers an easier on-ramp for users. Not all RSS feed generators support the source:blogroll element yet, so users who want to participate today may need to use the HTML link approach. Looking at FeedLand, I'm not sure if I can currently point my feed at my blogroll, for example. Maybe that should be included by default?

Those are the reading lists I'm subscribed to.

I realize OPML supports the <outline type="include" ...> format. @scripting would it make sense for your OPML blogroll for point to each of the OPML blogrolls in your reading list?

scripting commented 3 weeks ago

No one supports any of the blogroll stuff yet. Barely getting started.

For that reason, at this point adding includes anywhere in here is not really a possibility.

I don't have a feel yet for how this is going to work, still puzzling it out.