scripting / feedlandBlogrollToolkit

Browser-based JavaScript code, html and styles for adding an OPML-based blogroll to a website, with a connection back to FeedLand for realtime updates.
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Table styles in blogroll plugin #7

Open NickGreen opened 5 months ago

NickGreen commented 5 months ago


While testing out the blogroll plugin, we've noticed that some table styles from the theme are negatively affecting the way the blogroll looks.

Site 1

URL: Problems:

Screenshot: SCR-20240403-hgth

Site 2

URL: Local site running Twenty Twenty-one WordPress theme Problems:

Screenshot: SCR-20240403-hpca

Next Steps

The solution might be as simple as explicitly setting these styles in the files that are loaded with the blogroll plugin.

scripting commented 5 months ago

I've started looking at the first one, and it looks like the theme it's using has customized parts of Bootstrap.

For example, the vertical ellipses for the menu is a .dropdown-toggle, which has a width of 42px in the customization.

.dropdown-toggle {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
    box-sizing: content-box;
    content: "";
    height: 42px;
    padding: 0;
    position: absolute;
    text-transform: lowercase;
    /* Stop screen readers to read the text as capital letters */
    top: 3px;
    right: 0;
    width: 42px;

In the smallbootstrap.css file there's nothing about the width for a dropdown-toggle.

So I guess what we would do there is add a style to smallbootstrap.css that says:

.divBlogrollContainer .dropdown-toggle {
   width: auto;

Not sure if that'd do it, and I don't think there's a way I can test that, which is another challenge.

Interested in your thoughts about how we can set up a testbed for this stuff that we can interact with to try fixes out.

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Interested in your thoughts about how we can set up a testbed for this stuff that we can interact with to try fixes out.

There are a couple of different ways that I might suggest tackling this:

Chrome Inspector

In the Chrome Inspector, it's possible to live edit the CSS file to see how changes will affect the page. Do do so:

  1. Open Inspector tools
  2. Click 'sources', and find the file that you want to edit and click on it
  3. Make your changes and cmd-s to save (it will show up with an asterisk if it hasn't been saved)

Screenshot: SCR-20240403-jqba

Set up a test css file

We could easily have this specific site call a test version of the css file, which you could then tweak to affect only this site. This would be easy to do on our end, so let me know if you want to head that direction.

scripting commented 5 months ago

I use the debugger and inspector all the time.

It's the latter concept I was asking about. I need to be able to change a file, iteratively.

Let's talk about how we do that. ;-)

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Sure thing. If you let me know what you want the name of the test file to be, I can change the path of the css on Om's dev site to that.

scripting commented 5 months ago


How about this?

Right now there are no changes to it, it's exactly what it was before.

But I can put experiments in there, and see them take effect next time I do a hard refresh.

Does that all make sense?

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

@scripting I'm trying to figure out which of these css files it replaces, can you help with that?


        array( 'bootstrap' ),

        array( 'bootstrap' ),

scripting commented 5 months ago

@NickGreen -- ignore my previous comment.

Here's the new URL, use it to replace blogroll.css in the list in the previous comment.

Note the "/testing" in the path.

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Great, thank you! I've updated the blogroll on Om's test site to use this css file:

        array( 'bootstrap' ),

Feel free to try it out and let me know if there are any issues. I'm not sure if versioning will result in the need to hard refresh each time you update it, or if there's other caching that might get in the way, so let me know how it goes.

scripting commented 5 months ago

It's working. I fixed the problem I described above, with the vertical ellipses being 42px wide. I added a style that fixes it at 5.25px, which is the computed value in the rendering.

The good news is that when I reload the page, the updated styles are applied. So this is a valid process. :smile:

Now I'm going to look at the next problem.

scripting commented 5 months ago

I have gotten rid of the extraneous borders, but have not gotten rid of the underlines yet.

Also the links under each blog are also formatted with unwanted underlines.

scripting commented 5 months ago

Something other than text-decoration is causing the underlines.

I thought at first it was a drop-shadow, but I tried turning that off and the underlines were still there (and at the top, under the men).

scripting commented 5 months ago

The theme for the site is also popping up a dialog offering to share a link on various sites, and this is applied to links in the blogroll, like the When and Title links above the columns, and probably others.

scripting commented 5 months ago

A random thought as I go through all these issues, I think there are probably going to be some themes the blogroll can't be compatible with. We'll get it working here.

scripting commented 5 months ago

The alignment of the cells are all screwed up.


The left edge of title is supposed to line up with the left edge of the titles in the table. It does line up on

We should check to see if they line up on Doc's.

Also the rows are too tall, or the text is too widely separated vertically. Not sure which it is.

I've been trying to figure this out for a while, and then punted, and accepted that there would be differences in vertical spacing.

I need to call it day now. I'll be back at this, not sure exactly when, maybe later tonight, probably sometime tomorrow.

scripting commented 5 months ago

@NickGreen -- when you get a chance, undo the /testing change.

I'm comfortable trying out new ideas with the real version.

Thanks! :-)

scripting commented 5 months ago

BTW, I think Site 2 should now work. I can't test it here, don't have the URL, but the problems visible in the screen shot are ones that should be addressed.

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Om's test site

The css file has been updated to reference

That file should now be loading here:

Twenty Twenty-One theme

When loading the blogroll on a default site with Twenty Twenty-one theme, the table styles look much better.

There's still one style that needs to be explicitly overridden. This is what the theme is doing:

table {
  min-width: 240px;


scripting commented 5 months ago

I added this to blogroll.css.

.divBlogrollContainer table {
    min-width: 0;
NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Looks good from here: SCR-20240404-jbri

scripting commented 5 months ago

It looks better but still is not right.

The T in title is supposed to line up vertically with the M in Mitch.

The n in When is supposed to line up with the n in 2 min.

Also, note that the weird underline char is gone in your screen shot but still present in mine.

To compare, look at the blogroll on This is what it's supposed to look like. A lot of work went into getting that to look just so. ;-)

scripting commented 5 months ago

Also try expanding an item. Here's what it looks like when I expand one item on Om's site.


It actually looks pretty good, but the links are still underlined. Are they that way on your system??

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Expanded on Twenty Twenty-One theme:


scripting commented 5 months ago

BTW, see that extra space after Why Normal is NOT good?

I got rid of that, it's so cool that I can fix bugs so far away buried under so many layers of software! :-)

scripting commented 5 months ago

Thanks for posting the screen shot.

The underlines are gone there, so I won't worry about them being here? Do you agree?

And it looks like there's a problem wrapping. I'm going to take a look now.

scripting commented 5 months ago

Just to be sure -- are we working on Om's blog now?

This is the site I'm testing now.

NickGreen commented 5 months ago

Yes, that's the correct URL for Om's development site.

If it would be helpful, I could set up a fresh public test site with different themes installed, including Twenty Twenty-One, for anyone to play with. It might make iteration faster. Let me know if that's something you'd like me to do.

scripting commented 5 months ago

I got one of the problems fixed.


This is what it took:

.divBlogrollContainer {
     box-sizing: content-box;
scripting commented 5 months ago

Next puzzle -- to figure out why the When isn't properly aligned.

scripting commented 5 months ago

If it would be helpful, I could set up a fresh public test site with different themes installed, including Twenty Twenty-One, for anyone to play with. It might make iteration faster. Let me know if that's something you'd like me to do.

Not needed at this time. I just wanted to be sure we're working with the same test case.