scripting / feedlandBlogrollToolkit

Browser-based JavaScript code, html and styles for adding an OPML-based blogroll to a website, with a connection back to FeedLand for realtime updates.
MIT License
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A JavaScript toolkit that displays an OPML-based blogroll, with a connection back to FeedLand for realtime updates.

It's designed to be integrated into any web app that wants a managed blogroll, such as a CMS or blogging systems.

How to

Crib from the example code included here.

It's a complete functional web app that includes a blogroll. You can try it here.

If you copy what it does, you should have a blogroll of your own in no time.


You can test using my blogroll OPML file, or if you need to test with your own, post a note in the issues section and we'll try to set you up. It's still really early days, so we're still figuring stuff out.

To use my blogroll, the options object uses it as the default, so you don't have to do anything. ;-)

Checklist of places to hook in

  1. In the section of your HTML page, add includes of code and styles.

  2. In your startup code, call the blogroll routine, passing an object with your options.


Here's a list of the options you can add to the object you pass into the blogroll routine.


Copy whatever styles you need in your application from the demo app's styles.css file.

This toolkit is MIT-licensed, and for now at least, the blogroll-specific code is not released as open source.

I can't accept pull requests because I edit the code in an outliner, that's what source.opml is all about.

So the best thing to do when you spot a mistake is flag it as an issue in the repo, point to the code in question if that's helpful, and I'll thank you and make the fix myself.

And if you want to add a feature and have it included in this distribution, post an issue and let's talk about it. ;-)

Dave Winer, March 2024