scriptorron / indi_pylibcamera

INDI libcamera driver made in Python
MIT License
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This project implements a Raspberry Pi camera driver for INDI (

Raspberry Pi cameras allow the amateur astronomer to make astonishing pictures with small budget. Especially the Raspberry Pi HQ camera can compete with expensive astro cameras.

The driver is based on the new camera framework "libcamera" ( which is already part of many Raspberry Pi operating systems. It is made and optimized to run on a Raspberry Pi Zero with HQ camera connected. Of course, it will also run on a more capable Raspberry Pi.

The "indi_pylibcamera" may support all cameras supported by "libcamera". But not all cameras will provide image data in the required formats (raw Bayer or at least RGB). So it is not guaranteed that the driver will work with all cameras you can connect to a Raspberry Pi.

The 'indi_pylibcamera' is one layer in a stack of software:

    INDI client (for instance KStars, PHD2, CCDciel, ...)
        --> INDI server
            --> indi_pylibcamera
                --> picamera2
                    --> libcamera library
                        --> kernel driver

It can not work when the versions of libcamera and picamera2 are too old (both are in a dynamic development). And it can not work when the libcamera-tools (like libcamera-hello and libcamera-still) have issues with your camera.

Requirements and installation

Some packages need to be installed with apt:

The Raspberry Pi OS "Bullseye" still allowed to install system wide with sudo pip install indi_pylibcamera. Since "Bookworm" a virtual environment is required to install non-system Python packages. Trying to install indi_pylibcamera without a virtual environment will fail with error: externally-managed-environment.

Run the following on a command line to install indi_pylibcamerain a virtual environment called venv_indi_pylibcamera (you can name the virtual environment as you want):

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ~/venv_indi_pylibcamera
source ~/venv_indi_pylibcamera/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install indi_pylibcamera

Some hints when you get trouble

The Python packages picamera2, numpy, and astropy MUST be installed with sudo apt install. You MUST NOT update them with pip. When you get errors related to these packages you can:

  1. Check directory ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages if it contains one of these packages. If yes delete them!
  2. Check if pip list shows different version numbers than apt list for these packages:

     pip list | grep numpy
     apt list | grep numpy
     pip list | grep astropy
     apt list | grep astropy
     pip list | grep picamera2
     apt list | grep picamera2

    If you see different versions for a package remove it with pip uninstall and reinstall it with sudo apt reinstall.

  3. Remove and recreate the virtual environment.


For uninstalling the driver do:

sudo rm -f /usr/share/indi/indi_pylibcamera.xml
rm -rf ~/venv_indi_pylibcamera


At the moment there is no support to start the driver from the EKOS profile editor. The driver and the indi server must be started in shell with activated virtual environment:

source ~/venv_indi_pylibcamera/bin/activate

In the same shell you can start the INDI server with indiserver -v indi_pylibcamera. When the server is running you can connect to the server from another computer with an INDI client (for instance KStars/EKOS). The camera name is the one you configure in indi_pylibcamera.ini.

I recommend you to make a wrapper script to activate the environment and start the driver.

Global Configuration

The driver uses a hierarchy of configuration files to set global parameter. These configuration files are loaded in the following order:

The configuration file must have the section [driver]. The most important keys are:

There are more settings, mostly to support debugging.

An example for a configuration file can be found in this repository.

Saving a Configuration

The driver allows you to save up to 6 different configurations. The "Options" tab has 3 controls for that:

When you try to load a non-existing configuration no settings will be changed.

Many clients load "Config #1" automatically. If you do not want this you must purge "Config #1".

Not all driver settings will be stored. For instance all settings which trigger an action (like "Connect", "Expose" and "Abort") will not be stored and load. Also, "Scope Location" (your place on earth), "Eq. Coordinates" (the scope pointing coordinates) and "Pier Side" will not be stored and loaded because these will typically set by snooping the mount driver. Telescope focal length and aperture are stored but get overwritten immediately by client (EKOS) when snooping. Generally all settings coming from client (EKOS) will overwrite settings you loaded previously from a configuration file.

To save and load configurations you must be connected to a camera. The configuration will only be valid for this particular camera. It is not recommended to load a configuration which was saved for a different type of camera.

Configurations get stored in ~/.indi_pylibcamera/CONFIG*.json.

Error when restarting indiserver

When killing the indiserver sometimes the driver process continues to run. You can see this with:

ps ax | grep indi

If you get a line containing python3 and indi_pylibcamera in the output the driver process is still running. In that case you must kill the driver process manually before you restart the indiserver. Otherwise, you will get a libcamera error when connecting to the camera.

Special handling for some cameras

The driver is made as generic as possible by using the camera information provided by libcamera. For instance the raw modes and frame sizes selectable in the driver are coming from libcamera. Unfortunately some important information is not provided by libcamera:

To work around this the driver makes a special handling for the cameras listed below. Due to the removing of zero-filled columns/rows the image frame size will be smaller than stated on the raw mode name.

IMX477 (Raspberry Pi HQ camera)

Libcamera provides 4 raw modes for this camera, some made by binning (or subsampling) and all with 0-filled columns:

Maximum exposure time is > 5 minutes.

OV5647 (Raspberry Pi V1 camera)

This camera does not add zero-filled columns. But libcamera uses 3 binning modes. Maximum exposure time is 1 sec.

IMX708 (Raspberry Pi Module 3 camera)

This camera has auto-focus capabilities which are not supported by this driver. Maximum exposure time is 1.7 sec.

When you need support for a different camera

There are many cameras you can connect to a Raspberry Pi. We can not test the driver with all of them. But we can try to support. For that we will need more information about your camera. Please run:

libcamera-hello --list-cameras

indi_pylibcamera_print_camera_information > MyCam.txt

and send the generated "MyCam.txt" file.

Furthermore, send one raw image for each available raw mode. Make pictures of a terrestrial object with red, green and blue areas. Do not change camera position between taking these pictures. It must be possible to measure and compare object dimensions.

When you see strange behavior or errors

In case you have trouble or you see unexpected behavior it will help debugging when you give more information about your system and camera. Please run:

cat /etc/os-release

uname -a

apt list --installed | grep numpy

apt list --installed | grep astropy

apt list --installed | grep libcamera

apt list --installed | grep picamera

libcamera-hello --list-cameras


and send the outputs in your issue report.

Please also try to get raw images with libcamera-still:

libcamera-still -r -o test.jpg --shutter 1000000 --gain 1 --awbgains 1,1 --immediate


The indi_pylibcamera driver uses snooping to get information from the mount driver. This information is used to add more metadata to the FITS images, similar to this:

FOCALLEN=            2.000E+03 / Focal Length (mm)
APTDIA  =            2.000E+02 / Telescope diameter (mm)
SCALE   =         1.598825E-01 / arcsecs per pixel
SITELAT =         5.105000E+01 / Latitude of the imaging site in degrees
SITELONG=         1.375000E+01 / Longitude of the imaging site in degrees
AIRMASS =         1.643007E+00 / Airmass
OBJCTAZ =         1.121091E+02 / Azimuth of center of image in Degrees
OBJCTALT=         3.744145E+01 / Altitude of center of image in Degrees
OBJCTRA = ' 4 36 07.37'        / Object J2000 RA in Hours
OBJCTDEC= '16 30 26.02'        / Object J2000 DEC in Degrees
RA      =         6.903072E+01 / Object J2000 RA in Degrees
DEC     =         1.650723E+01 / Object J2000 DEC in Degrees
PIERSIDE= 'WEST    '           / West, looking East
EQUINOX =                 2000 / Equinox
DATE-OBS= '2023-04-05T11:27:53.655' / UTC start date of observation

Snooping is configured on the "Snooping" tab of the driver. Here you can set the mount driver (ECOS should do this for you automatically). Furthermore you can set which lenses your camera uses (main or guide scope). When snooping is enabled the telescope location, sky coordinates and pier side should update automatically. With the buttons "Do snooping" you can stop the updates. If you get trouble you can disable snooping in the INI file right from the driver start.

A correct system time on you Raspberry Pi is absolutely needed for the calculation of the metadata. The Raspberry Pi does not have a battery powered realtime clock. It adjusts its system time from a time-server in the internet. If your Pi does not have internet access you will need to take care for setting the date and time. For instance, you can install a realtime clock or a GPS hardware. You can also copy date and time from one Linux computer (or Raspberry Pi) to another with:

ssh -t YourUserName@YourPiName sudo date --set=`date -Iseconds`

The driver uses "astropy" ( for coordinate transformations. When processing of the first image you make the "astropy" library needs a few seconds for initialization. This will not happen anymore for the next images.

Camera controls

The driver tab "Camera controls" allows you to change low level camera settings. For instance you can enable the automatic exposure control (AeEnable) and the automatic white balance (AwbEnable) to get processed pictures in good light conditions. A detailed description of the camera controls can be found in appendix C of the picamera2 manual (

Please be aware that most of the camera controls affect processed (RGB) pictures only. Do not use automatic exposure control or AWB when you plan to stack images.

Client Software


The driver is developed and tested with KStars/EKOS.


Since version 2.3.0 the driver works with CCDciel. But you need to stop the preview loop before you start image captures, otherwise CCDciel will tell you that it can not start exposures. The same happens when using indi_simulator_ccd as camera driver.

Known Limitations


Many thanks to all who helped to improve this software. Contributions came from:

I hope I did not forget someone. If so please do not be angry and tell me.