scrooloose / vim-colon-therapy

Handle trailing colons and line numbers in the filename when `:edit`ing
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
10 stars 1 forks source link

For a healthy trailing colon ...

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Often I will run unit tests, or linters etc and will see output like this:

spec/services/foo_spec.rb:39:7: C: Style/StringLiterals: Prefer single-quoted strings ...

If I want to investigate, I will double click the filename and copy / paste it into an :edit command. For my setup, this would select the line number etc and result in the following:

:e spec/services/foo_spec.rb:39:7:

I would then have to strip off the :39:7:.

Enter Colon Therapy! With this plugin, Vim will edit the file and jump to line 39, column 7. A number after the first colon is treated as a line number. Optionally, if there's a column number, Vim will jump to that column number. The rest is ignored.

If there is only a colon, then this will simply be chopped off and ignored.


Pick your favourite plugin manager and follow its instructions.

For example, for vundle, just stick this in your vimrc:

Plugin 'scrooloose/vim-colon-therapy'


Edit a filename with a trailing colon and line number (optionally col number). One of these forms:

:e [file]:[line num]                         => edits [file], jumps to [line num]
:e [file]:[line num]:[col num]:[other junk]  => edits [file], jumps to [line num][col num], ignores [other junk]
:e [file]:[line num]:[other junk]            => edits [file], jumps to [line num], ignores [other junk]
:e [file]:                                   => edits [file], ignores colon

These are the forms I encounter regularly, but there may be more.